what is the best hand gun of ww2???

What do you think it is and why......I like the browning hi-power and p38. I know almost every one here is going to be shouting 1911 though :p

The p38 is just one of the best looking guns ever and it is a 9mm(my favorite caliber)....the grip is a bit bulky though....but being in d/s action makes up for that,

The hi power is my favorite gun ....I think there is NO better hand gun for me(what works for me might not work for you though) The grips feels better then anything else out there to me, and it is slim I hate fat guns like glocks because they never feel right in my hand.

Lee M.

New member
What is better? Ford or Chevy? Hmmm. One of these threads. :rolleyes: :)

Seriously, I like the 1911, but if you ask the guys(on both sides) who actually fought in the war, I bet the winner would be the Browning Hi-Power. It was the only pistol to be used by both the Axis & the Allies. I say that it's double-stack high capacity magazine played a major role in that compared to the 1911 & Walther P-38.
THis is not

this isn't one of the what is better threads; i just wanted to know what most people's here favorite handgun from ww2 was; I am not out to change minds at all.

Lee M.

New member
this isn't one of the what is better threads; i just wanted to know what most people's here favorite handgun from ww2 was; I am not out to change minds at all.
I was just joking. I like these threads.

does any one know what all the handguns of ww2 were all i can think of is

hi power
various revolvers
broom handles

is that it???


Quite a few experts speak very highly of the Radom.

I'm also a fan of the Sauer 38H and the Mauser HSc. But I'd rather have the 9mm chambering of the p-38 if it is to be a DA auto.

281 Quad Cam

New member
The type 14 nambu is a real artwork compared to the type 94 pistol.

I think i have the candidate for most awful, ever. Even when put up against a liberator 1 shot the type 94 was in trouble.

I am surprised more people are not saying 1911. While I am talking about the 1911 can you tell me something (this is directed at every one) what makes it so good I have never bought one because i have never seen the point. Is it how good the gun is or do you guys just like 45acp.


New member
Just one question.

I to never owned a 1911.. and I avoid the 1911...but only because I fear that If I get more associated with the 1911 i will get the 1911 bug, and all my funds will be gone!


New member
I am surprised more people are not saying 1911. While I am talking about the 1911 can you tell me something (this is directed at every one) what makes it so good I have never bought one because i have never seen the point. Is it how good the gun is or do you guys just like 45acp.

Yes, and...

John Browning started a revolution in the industry with this design. It is history, has proven itself, and works well. There is also the idea that almost a half inch of lead will stop pretty much what you shoot it at. No not everything, but why do I need to suffer wrist damage from a 454 Caswall when a .45 will suffice. The parts are readily available, and it lends itself to personal modification fairly easily. It is ergonomicaly correct for most shooters, and they just plain look nice.
If I keep going on on I'll run out room...
I always admired the Luger. The 1911 locks open after the last shot is fired, yet it is possible, in the heat of the moment, to not realize the gun is empty. You still have a sight plane.

But with the Luger, once it is empty, the slide locks up completely obstructing your view.

I always thought that was genius.