What is it?


New member
I got these pictures on one of my game cameras. Some of the local critters that it definitely isn't:

squirrel, rabbit, possum, raccoon, skunk, fox, coyote, bobcat, chipmunk, dog, cat

Is it a groundhog? Maybe a youg one?

By the way, that is one of my deer salt licks that it is in.





New member
I've heard it said that they are quite tasty. We don't have them down here or I would have personally verified that.


New member
how much salt can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck salt :D shoot it before it digs a hole in you salt like :cool:


New member
Woodchuck is only decent if it's small and young. Otherwise it gets too tough and gamey.

Even then, you want to stew it for a good long while.

Hunter Customs

New member
Yes, it looks like a groundhog/woodchuck to me. Some of the old timers around here also call them hedgehogs because they would see them up in the hedge trees of the hedgerows.
I had some take up residence in my barn and they sure played havac burrowing in the dirt floor before I got rid of them.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
Is it a groundhog? Maybe a youg one?
I would say so and one that is having a bad hair-day. I'm basing this primarily by the look of his tail. Have to admit that the ones I usually see are closer to the ground and not quite as frizzy-haired. ..... :eek:
In Wisconsin a woodchuck is PROTECTED GAME!.
Are you sure you are not talking about Badgers ??

Be Safe !!!