What is it with some people here?

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New member
As soon as you read this lock it down if need be (OT), I just need to broadcast this to everyone who posts on TFL.

Is it me or are more and more people making really stupid threads/posts?

(Hint - Everyone who over analyzed the VT shooting..ESPECIALLY the one who made the 2:1 ratio thread)

It was a tragedy, yes I agree. What the media should be doing is not only dwelling on the shooting itself but on what caused it..someone flipped out. The best way to prevent it is to teach your kid not to bully or pick on other kids. Will things like this still happen? Of course, theres always going to be someone with a few missing screws up stairs, but look at every school shooting that's happened within the last few years, the person behind the gun has usually been someone who gets picked on, or abused by bullies.

With so many other legal events taking place in the world....

And also the "pick the best gun for me" threads (not in the legal subcategory)....JESUS MAKE IT END!!!!

Scott Conklin

New member
The Secret Solution to Stupid Threads

Don't read them.

Otherwise, there's already by far enough restrictions around here. What? You want more? :eek:


New member
The best way to prevent it is to teach your kid not to bully or pick on other kids.

Would be a start but it will take a total change In America, public schools,
media,Tv, disipline in home and schools, morals, standards. With a fast
growing population @300million it will get worse and no I would not have
a clue how to fix it but I will tell you this we are going to lose a lot more
freedom in coming years because if society does not control itself someone will do it for us.
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