What is going on with American education and why do stupid people breed


New member
I went to see "Enemy At The Gates" earlier today. Standing behind me in the ticket line were a "lady" and her two kids. I happened to overhear them talling about the movie poster for "Pearl Harbor". The mom asked her sons what the movie was all about and their answer was that it was about somebody attacking Hawaii in the fifties. She then went on to ask if anybody had been hurt, and her knowledgeable son's reply was that a couple of ships had been sunk.
I bought my ticket and went on my way wandering how I managed not to slap her silly and what had happened to American education. Of course I felt the butt of my gun pressing in my side and decided not to make a scene.



New member
Stupid people....

They cant get real jobs and have nothing better to do. One of the things that brightens my heart is reading the Darwin nominations. Every year the list gets longer and longer.

YOU! Out of the gene pool!


New member
That is pretty bad. I think its bad when people don't what WW in WWI and II stands for. But watch Leno or a show called Street Smarts (?) and its when they go on the street in LA (?) and ask people COMMON questions and they are totally off. Really sad, makes me see why Ca doesn't understand about guns.


New member
As to why stupid people breed or reproduce, the act of procreation is the only thing that comes to my mind where lack of competence or skill seemingly has absolutely no effect, one way or another, on the end product.


New member
Breeding happens. Stupid, or not. You know, about the time of Pearl Harbor, a fellow over in Germany was into trying to "clean up" the gene pool. Most of us know what happened... ;)


Moderator Emeritus
I dunno why, but this thread made me do some digging and find this:

Everyday some new do-gooder is trying to save us from ourselves. We have so many laws and safety commissions to ensure our safety that it seems nearly impossible to have an accident. The problem is that we need accidents, and lots of them.

Danger is nature's way of eliminating stupid people. Without safety, stupid people die in accidents...

With safety, however well-intentioned it may be, we are devolving into half-witted mutants, because idiots, who by all rights should be dead, are spared from their rightful early graves and are free to breed even more imbeciles.

Let's do away with safety and improve our species. Take up smoking. Jaywalk. Play with blasting caps. Swim right after a big meal. Stick something small in your ear. Take your choice of dangerous activity and do it with gusto. Future generations will thank you."

by Lawrence A. Bullis, Phoenix, AZ.

I don't even remember where or when I got this, but I figured that it was appropriate.



New member
Outcome based education.

As long as the children in school make an effort to learn, then that is ok for a passing grade. The fact that the kid knew that Pearl harbor was in Hawaii was probably good enough.

Hell I graduated from high school in '92, but the education system in back woods PA where I grew up was almost the same as my parents. Not only did I have to know what and where Pearl Harbor was/is, I also had to know who attacked there(Japan) what day Dec. 7 and what it caused and why the Japanese attacked.

I wouldn't be surprised if the history teacher this kid has wouldn't take the whole class to see the Pearl Harbor movie instead of teaching it to them!

Tall Man

New member
Our schools and our stupid breeding people...

As to the former:

The teachers' unions, "time outs", outcome-based education, grade inflation, revisionist history, zero tolerance...need I continue?

Make the sacrifice and send your children to private schools, as my parents did. Or, make the commitment to homeschooling. Feeling a little superior in these modern times is nothing to be ashamed of. The tassel is worth the hassle.

As to the latter:

Breeding among the stupid is nothing new. They're a bit more noisy these days, that's all, having just come off eight years of an administration that they could be proud of.

Tall Man



New member
There are several things to consider with regard to this encounter:

1.They dont teach children about these things in school any more. (possible but unlikey)
2.The kid never paid attention in school and does not have his facts in order.(very likely)
3.He was totally ignorant to begin with but his idiot buddy told him the 'facts' about the movie.(very likely)

Unfortunatley the mother couldnt have known what the movie is about before she saw it, but whats unforgivable was that being and adult she was not aware of Pearl harbor and if people "got hurt".

My response would have been to interrupt their conversation and politely explain to them what happened and suggest with smile that info is all over the internet.

Normally I would feel contempt for such people but I have some relatives who belong to this category and so I have learnt to be more patient with them. :)


New member
Well, duh.

Everybody knows that Pearl Harbor was where George Washington rowed a boat across a river to throw a silver dollar at Saddam Hussein after the Palestinians invaded Korea.

Simple history. Don't they teach this in skool any more?


New member
"Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

-Bluto Blutarski

And that's all I've got to say about that...


New member
Actually, they DON'T teach real history in school any more. My nephew's 20th century history book had about a page and a half devoted to WWII - they didn't even use the term "sneak attack" in reference to Pearl Harbor - and about 20 pages devoted to the "Women's Movement."

He transferred into private school where he had some serious catching-up to do, but now he's actually receiving an education.

Can't blame the kids - I blame the parents for sending them to worthless schools where, after removal of everything that SOMEone will find objectionable, the kids are being left with intellectual pablum.


New member
and blame the government, that takes those parent's money that they could've used to fund a real education, and forces them to spend it on the public schools. They'd just as readily have a "mandatory flush your money away" law.


New member
Public schools don't teach history anymore. They now teach social studies. As I am sure most of you know I could go on at length about the failings of the public schools. However, since I am going to spend some time with my children this evening, I will keep it brief. Modern education is succeeding beyond the wildest dreams of it's creators. The education system in the United states was created to make a compliant workforce. Horace Mann and John Dewey two of the founding fathers of Public schools in this country were both Socialists/Communists. One of them (Dewey I believe)also signed the Humanist Manifesto. If you haven't read that you should. Most of the points in the manifesto are directly related to the agenda of the public schools. On a directly related note, they don't teach critical thinking skills in public school anymore either.

Sorry, I have to go now, my children want me to read them a story. :)