What is DEWC


New member
I give up. what is DEWC. I know it's wad cutter but what is the DE. Stopped at a local gun shop that loads ammo(new not reload) to get some target load .38 Spl to shoot this weekend and this is how it's marked. I've never seen this on his loads before and didn't notice it till I got home. His price went up but still the best place to buy target ammo, 100rnds 148 gr .38 DEWC $22.


New member
I think it means Double Ended, as opposed to Hollow Base; the bullet looks the same on both ends.


New member
That make sense. Never saw this before and couldn't find a refference to it whit a quick search.


New member
It is : it means double ended. Top & bottom are the same. If properly manufactured, they're just as accurate as hollow base wadcutters.
For reloading purposes they require a slight increase in powder charge as compared to hollow base WC, since they leave a bit more free space in the case.
For instance: in .38 Spl I load 3.1 gr W-231 behind HB WC and 3.3 or 3.4 behind DE WC for the same results.

Bart Noir

New member
Depleted Eranium.

Same stuff as they put in those big tank guns. In a pistol, lots of penetration and the fire burns inside where medics can't put it out.

Bart Noir
Whose last bowel of chili almost matches that description.


The fact that you can load the sprue side up giving a nose pour bullet means you have a perfect base on each bullet.