What is coming with me?


New member

Pretty amazing torture test.


I have 1911s, S&W wheelies and semis, Beretta Px4, but when it comes to dead nuts dependability and knowing a bang is coming with the next pull I am bringing the G19.


and for the HK fanboys, HK still hates you......


New member
I had gotten really out on glock...just forgot what a modern marvel of engineering that is. might be time to get another 17


New member
Yes, cause I put my handguns through that kinda "torture" on a daily basis. :rolleyes: I think I'll stick to my HK USP compact as my go-to handgun. ;)


I like my Glocks; however, one thing's for sure, the OP's Glock probably isn't as reliable with that aftermarket barrel as it would be with a factory Glock barrel. :)


New member
I like my Glocks; however, one thing's for sure, the OP's Glock probably isn't as reliable with that aftermarket barrel as it would be with a factory Glock barrel.

I have both barrels but you can't put a can on a factory barrel. BTW that threaded barrel has had 0, as in zero, nada, none FTF, FTE since I have been shooting with it.


New member
It's childeshness...and you didn't miss a thing...

Opinions are like butts we all got one. HK still hates you too.

Having or agreeing with an opinion isn't childish, just a fact of life.

Did I mention HK hates you too? NO matter how many of their overpriced toys you buy.


New member
...before you formulate super strong opinions about a weapon, you should have at least shot the damn thing first.

Unless I've missed something, "HK hates you" is a strong opinion about company (and the perception of how they treat the civilian market), not a weapon.

That being said, I'm at a loss to figure out what it has to do with a torture test of the Glock 21 other than trying to goad a reaction out of people.


New member
When Glock has made it through the amount of combat that the 1911 has seen, I will give it its due. Until then, the tupperware will be for sealing up leftovers.


New member
Pretty nuts of a test. I heard of the Glock rep pulling up to the police range with two tied to the bumper, dragging them up the road. Asked if any one else would dare the same trick with another type gun. Nobody tried.

Did nt see it happen so it might be an urban myth, but this guy shows it could be true. A myth buster for sure.


New member
mnhntr - I dislike glocks as much as the next guy(mainly cause they are ugly to me, and don't feel good in my hand), but I am very impressed with this test. I would bet you a pretty hefty sum of money that NO out of the box 1911 in the glocks price range would perform as well in these tests, and probably even 1911s that cost twice as much would fail too.

Heck, Im a CZ fanatic, and I dont know if my 75B would make it. lol.

And back to HK thing, are people saying they hate us just because they wont sell certain weapons to civilians??


New member
I dunno, maybe it is just me. But what is the point of the tests? Improper handling will always guarantee you range time with a range gun? They (the tests) almost borderline disturbing that anyone would willfully do that to a perfectly good firearm for range practice. Glock makes a great gun, is there need for further tests on the matter? I dunno, lol..if given a choice I am not picking the pistol dropped in sand or out of a plane and whatever else for that matter as a tool for self defense and odd's are I would never have to make that choice either. No where does the "tester" mention it is his carry gun so..pointless?

~*~ oh dang, looks like I dropped the glock on the ground again and ran it over with my truck hrmm holster it up or take something else??

Do Glock owners turn into that kind of disturbing individual because they are that boring to shoot at the range?


When Glock has made it through the amount of combat that the 1911 has seen, I will give it its due. Until then, the tupperware will be for sealing up leftovers.

That's a truly absurd statement! ;) Kind of like saying, "when Glock has made it through the amount of combat that a Colt 1892 revolver......blah, blah, blah."