What is "bore ringing"?


New member
I was reading of someone that was shooting squibs and got a jacketed bullet stuck halfway down his bore. He was having an awful time pushing the bullet out of the barrel using a rod. One guy suggested he load up another round without the bullet, and go ahead and fire it to clear up the rifle, if that makes any sense. Someone else chimed in and disagreed, saying that it would 'ring' the bore.

Can someone explain all this to me so I can make sense of it?



New member
"Ringing" is...

a bulge in the barrel... an expanded "ring".

It is caused by the compression of air between the obstruction (in this instance, the jacket) and the moving bullet. It is certainly more likely to occur with high speed rounds than low speed; still, it's pretty dumb to attempt to shoot ANYTHING out of ANY barrel.
Snow has blown up many, many shotgun barrels.

Does that answer your question, or have I just confused you more?


New member
Mylhouse, the guy who suggested shooting the squib bullet out of the barrel is a contestant for the Darwin awards. Doing so would be a great way to remove large parts of your face. From now on, don't take any advice that guy gives.

Keith J

New member
I've used a lightly powdered "blank" to fire out a stuck bullet with no problems. I doubt the "compressed air" theory but offer two others.

First, the jacket/core integrity could have been damaged and the core of the bullet was the only thing expelled. The remaining jacket would definitely ring any bore when the next round was fired.

The second possibilility is the powder charge ejecting toward the stuck bullet and not completely burning. Nitrocelluose melts, forming a nice, gummy plug or residue near the base of said stuck bullet. The next round fired would definitely ring the bore.

Myths on interior ballistics run wild, much like the Bullseye in 38 Special detonation thread of 20 odd years ago. No powder can detonate in a gun. If it did, metal would shatter, not yield.


New member
Thanks, gentlemen!

But I have to admit....I'm just as confused as before.

I'm guessing that this is one of those instances where there is not a definitive answer, just thoughts on the matter, like the Bullseye detonation thing.

I happen to not believe in the .38/Bullseye/detonation phenomenon.:confused:


New member
I wonder if those exploded cylinders in revolvers

Attributed to the "2.8gr Bullseye Surprise" simply yielded or shattered?