What is better for my 357?


New member
Ok, I have a 686+ with a 2" tube. I started reloading a few months ago and wanted to ask what is better for my 357? Shooting 38s or 357s?

For punching paper, what is better? 38s or 357s?

Is there a difference in the wear and tear on a gun between 38s & 357s?

Is there an accuracy differences between 38s & 357s?

Thanks for the feedback,


Member In Memoriam
" ... what is better for my 357? Shooting 38s or 357s?"

Neither. The revolver is designed to shoot both, but, see below.

"For punching paper, what is better? 38s or 357s?"

Depends & shoot both. You do want to become proficient with the .357s & that takes practice as well - different recoil, noise, etc. especially with that 2" bbl. The .38 wadcutter does cut nice round holes in the target & makes for easier viewing where you hit.

"Is there a difference in the wear and tear on a gun between 38s & 357s?"

Has to be. .357 develops about 2X the energy as a .38 so it just follows that the .357 loads would cause more wear & tear but that shooter is designed for many, many rounds. One thing about shooting .38s is since the case is shorter, you'll get a bit of residue build-up that may interfer with the longer .357 chambering as easy. It scrubs right out.

"Is there an accuracy differences between 38s & 357s?"

Depends on the ammo you feed it. Quite a few people shoot .38 better because the .357 develops more recoil, etc. but that's not the "fault" of the revolver.