What is a good price on a slightly used GP100

Doug S

New member
Hi All, I have an opportunity to pick up a slightly used GP100 (stainless, 4in barrel, newer production around 2010ish). It belonged to an elderly person who passed away. The person had picked up the gun (their first) in their golden years because of the felt need for some type of home protection since they were alone in the house. I don't know if the gun was ever really fired. I figure there might have been some test firing early on, but for the most part it was kept holstered in a drawer in the home. As far as I know the gun is in pristine condition. Asking price is $500. This price seemed reasonable to me, but I don't know what the going prices are for the GP100. Any help would be much appreciated.


New member
My LGS usually sells then for $450 to $500. You can find them new for $599.
I'd offer $450 and see what happens. If they go to a gun store and try to sell it I imagine they would only get $350+\-.


New member
Good reply !!!

My LGS usually sells then for $450 to $500. You can find them new for $599.
I'd offer $450 and see what happens. If they go to a gun store and try to sell it I imagine they would only get $350+\-.
For the most part, I'd agree with this reply. If you are close to the seller, then I would not low-ball them. When the time comes, you will know what to do. .. ;)

Be Safe !!!

Doug S

New member
Thanks to both of you for the responses. Yes, I am close to the seller, so I'm not going to try to negotiate with him. If the $500 is a fair price, I'd be willing to pay it. Thanks again for the info.


New member
If it is in pristine condition as you say, then $500 is a very fair price for what is essentially a brand new gun. But being stored in a holster is not good practice and could have damaged the finish, even stainless.

Just for reference, a 2006 vintage stainless GP recently sold locally on armslist for $450. It was supposedly very good condition also (sold before I had a chance to see it) but certainly had much more "mileage" on it than yours.

Doug S

New member
Thanks Slimjim9 for the info. I've had a chance to handle the gun. I didn't notice any finish issues with a quick look, but I will look more thoroughly. The holster was nylon. The gun was rarely removed from the holster, so there is no drawing/reholstering wear that I know of. I definitely like the gun, and want it. After getting the responses here, I'm comfortable with the price. Thanks again to all of you for helping me out.
Bought mine NIB 4 months ago from Buds for $574.00 plus background ck. at FFL $35.00.
Sounds like a great price and no background ck.

Doug S

New member
superspirit, and DocHoliday 1950, your comments are both very encouraging. It's a done deal, I told him I want the gun. It's just a matter of us getting together to make the transaction.


New member
I bought mine in the 90s and have untold thousands of rounds thru it since ive had it. I bought it used for 329 I think, and I wouldn't even consider selling it for $500...buy it, shoot the hell out of it and never have a worry that you paid too much


New member
I guess I was charged to much for mines. Got it from bass pro. 699.99. Since then I've fired hundreds of round and I like it more then any other handgun I have have or fired. So for me it was worth it, I may have over paid but I still dont feel like I got a short deal on it, its just that good.-CENSORED-Well worth more then it is sold for. So 500.00 is a steal!!

I did a trigger job on mines, replaced the springs, added some wilson combat sights and polished the frame with some mothers polish. None of that had to be done. It was good stock just wanted to add my own touch to it. Just icing on the cake imo. I'm sure you will love it!


New member
Friends don't let friends buy at Bass pro. Or Cabellas. Or Gander Mountain. Just sayin :D

But sounds like you made it into a fine specimen. :cool: