What is a conventional hand gun?

Nev C

New member
This is an excerpt from a news report out of America on the Fort Hood shootings:
Major Hasan allegedly opened fire with a semi-automatic handgun, and a conventional handgun, working his way through several clips of ammunition.

I was not aware that semi-autos were not classed as conventional hand guns.
What is a CONVENTIONAL hand gun?

44 AMP

some press person's choice of words

Even when they sound like they know what they are talking about, they don't. And its not just guns!

If you expect accurate reporting about firearms from any "mainstream" press outlet, you'll be looking for charity from a banker and honesty from a politician next!

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
You aren't really taking anything a journalist says about firearms seriously are you? The only thing they know less about than guns is Law, Science, the Constitution, fact checking before publishing...........sorry if I see a bit biased but a journalism class with a flaming liberal instructor will do that to you.


New member
If the guy writing up the story had the data that the shooter had two guns and that one was semiautomatic, how then to describe the other one? Well, a smart ignoramus would say that he had two guns, one a semiautomatic. But a true fool goes to the trouble to describe the other one also. If it wasn't semiautomatic then I guess it was regular.

These are the people who support gun legislation. Now, they know how to make the health care industry work, too.


The doofus I heard talked about the "high-powered" 9mm GUN (as opposed to ammo). Completely clueless...
Especially when you consider that he wasn't carrying a 9mm at all.


New member
A "conventional" handgun would be a revolver, in liberal speak. At one of the press meetings a Fort Hood spokesman said he had a revolver and a semi-automatic handgun.

I heard one news anchor talking about him using an FN 5.7 9mm handgun, but then most news anchors think all pistols are 9mm. Now the liberal chatter is all about the fact that he was using a "cop killer" gun, the FN 5.7, and postulating whether he was using armor piercing ammo in it.


Automatic Revolver

The regular gun could have been the ubiquitous automatic revolver. I know some media types. I think there are some on this forum. They ask the same questions over and over. I've spent way too much time explaining some simple concept while they nod their heads and make ruminating sounds only to have them ask the same thing again in a slightly different way.

9mm & .45 Fan

New member
Most journalists 1) know little to nothing about firearms or 2) intentionally use buzzwords like "cop killer bullets" to whip the public into a frenzy.


New member
one news report I saw showed a semi auto that used a necked down cartridge that looked kind of like a .223 cartridge. I did not catch the make/model if they announced it.


He was carrying an FN 5.7 semi-auto and a .357Mag revolver. I expect that the reference to the "conventional" handgun comment applied to the revolver.


New member
Whenever I see or hear the phrase "cop killer bullet," I get a mental picture of the "Dumb Dumb" bullets on Who Framed Roger Rabbit flying around looking for a cop to kill.


New member
Most journalists . . . know little to nothing about firearms

Neither do a large majority of our fellow citizens who are in other professions besides journalism. Journalists just have better opportunities to make their ignorance public.


New member
When I hear/read/watch anything on the "news" media outlets, . . . I generally just remember that these folks don't have much on old 450 pound Lulu down the street, . . . eating her salt water taffy, . . . setting on her front porch, . . . fanning away the green flies, . . . cussing about the weather, . . . and grinning from ear to ear (showing all 7 of her teeth), . . . and bellering out

"Hey, . . . did you hear about ........................................."

The news media just wear prettier clothes, . . . have fancier hairdo's, . . . and get paid for it. I just can't help but believe that both are nothing more than neighborhood gossips, . . . "to the devil with the facts, . . . give me the juicy part."

May God bless,


Let's face it, most reporters are idiots, almost by definition and it ain't just about guns. I once watched a report where this dummy is describing how they were about to fill in a sink hole with "grout" from the "grout truck", standing in front of a concrete truck with the name "**** Concrete" all over it. They're dumbasses and their position only requires them to have a degree in journalism, no general knowledge or common sense required.
"where this dummy is describing how they were about to fill in a sink hole with "grout" from the "grout truck", standing in front of a concrete truck with the name "**** Concrete" all over it."

Sinkhole GROUTING is a recognized and proven process in sealing sinkholes.


No problem there.

Concrete trucks deliver GROUT. Why? Because the kind of grout we're talking about is a cement-based product. Oddly enough, concrete is a.... cement-based product.

No problems there.

So what was that talk about dumb asses who are lacking in common sense and general knowledge?


I'm seeing some people walking down the path that can ultimately result in a permanent exit from The Firing Line.

If you feel compelled to express your displeasure with the general performance of a group of individuals, you may certainly do so.

But you had best do it INSIDE the boundaries set by the rules to which you agreed when you joined this forum.

In case your memory is a little hazy, click this link to review them:

"I know some media types. I think there are some on this forum."

Yes, there are.

Now that I've issued the appropriate admonitions and have taken off my moderator's cap....

I started my writing career as a newspaper reporter and then spent 3.5 years as number three editor and writer for a major magazine that many of you may have heard of...

American Rifleman magazine.