What is "44CB" ammo?

How old a box? (ancient, old but relatively modern looking, etc.)

Loaded ammo?

CB could be Cartuchos Brasiliaros, or Brazilian Cartridge Co. They've been making ammo since the 1950s or so.

Jim March

New member
If it's very recent, it might be "Cowboy" ammo? Meaning plain lead in .44Mag cases, moving at under 1,000fps for CAS/SASS match legality? A lot of people buy .44Mag Vaqueros for CAS and then load such stuff for matches...CAS usually doesn't require "historic cartridges", only "historic power levels" :).

Edited: just saw the word "old" - DOH! In .22s, "CB" means VERY low powered, sometimes primer only...is it possible these are some sort of "44 squib load"?


New member
Some of the new Cowboy ammo is packed in boxes styled to look "old timey". Could that be it? If you can look at it again, check for the bar code.