What if our politicians went after the 10 commandments?

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New member
We all have seen the Bill of Rights being torn one bit at a time.
I was wishing I had the legal expertise to work up the King James version of the 10 Commandants after our politicians would carve it up.
Hope this is ok, if not delete it. It is meant in fun and hope it doesn't offend anyone. (I avoided the 10th commandment even tho' it ripe for pickin')

This immediately made me think of those fine people at the Firing Line and wondered if someone could help.


1st Commandment-There shall be no other gods before me!

"This commandment makes no claim about 'after' gods so it is clear that god left the door open for me, Dianne and a few others to remove your doubts, fears and anxiety over such things as how much soda should I drink or how much should I eat or if I should try to protect myself if I am accosted. I am today's god granted me by the 1st commandment"-MB

Evan Thomas

New member
Ding! What we have here is not one, not two, but three violations of forum rules in one wee little post.
Forum Index said:
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