What I do stand for...

I am 100% behind whatever mission our President tasks our military with. They should not be hampered with restrictive rules of engagement. They should have whatever resources are needed to complete their mission.

I don't find anything wrong about ensuring the target of our justice is correct and that the force of our punisment is measured against only our enemies.

I realize this isn't going to be a stand-off war. Our soldiers and our citizens are going to take more losses. We need to hit these *******s hard, and with full force. But we need to be sure we are hitting the right *******s.

I also realize that war is a messy and bloody thing. That's why we should try, as much as possible to avoid it. When it is necessary, we should try to minimize harm to our own troops first, and innocent by-standers second.

Eradicating a country isn't going to happen. Doing harm to it's military and political structure can happen. Harming them economically is feasable. Destroying a country outright and wholesale will make us the pyria of the world. Our allies will turn their backs on us, and we will deserve everything we get afterwards for trying to do it.

As an example, one way to stop a bank robbery would be to shoot everyone inside the bank. Not exactly what I want to see our military do.

So, I think this will be my last post on this topic for a while. Tempers have flared to badly here, and I doubt I will convince those that espouse genocide as a valid form of warfare that it is wrong and evil. Make all the historical references you want, we never tried to eradicate a whole race, country, or creed. The Nazi's did try, and I don't want to be in the same boat as they are, even if it means we have this problem for many more years to come.

I pray that President Bush will make the right choices in the years ahead, and not unleash something that can't be stopped.