What have you done for freedom today?


New member
This is not meant as a slam at anyone. Hopefully, we all do what we can. Maybe more along the lines of getting you thinking about what you have done vs. what you could do.

If we are going to win these battles, it's going to take all of us. The other side is loud, we have to be louder.


What I did?I put 100 rds of 45 and a 100 of 38 s down range.My shooting ability increased and my freedom will hinge on this I think.

We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world;
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men
every day who don't know anything and can't read.
-Mark Twain


Staff Alumnus
I took my 12 year old cousin to the range. It was his first time. He took a kid's NRA firearms safety course. As his reward, I let him shoot my .22's.

Our hope not only lies with legal matters but also educating the next generation of leaders and shooters.


New member
Great..I sincerely hope it never gets to that point B..but if it does.. and I agree whole-heartedly about the next generation. We HAVE to be their influence.

I was just curious what the rest of you thought about it. Over the last year, I've consciously made a decision to do SOMETHING everyday. Write a letter, talk to someone who has never considered the situation, donate some cash if I have it, whatever. Something, everyday. I see so many people that I know (my husband is one of them, but he's coming around) talking about this situation. And that's all they do. There are those on this side, and those on the other side. And a whole big crowd of people in the middle who haven't taken sides..yet. The anti-freedom types are talking and acting loudly, and they are drawing support. We're losing, in reality. And we can't lose.

So, whatever it is that you do. Keep doing it :)


New member
The Senate switchboard is 202-224-3121.
Additionaly, you can go to www.nraila.org to contact your own reps via e-mail.
Also you can go to www.gunowners.org to use their system to contact our beloved rulers.

If we make enough noise, maybe, with a little luck, we can change the national path and we won't have to see our country turn into another Bosnia or Northern Ireland.

Our silence is death.


Today I began a concerted effort to organize a Phoenix-area counter demonstration for the local branch of the Million Mom March which will be held here in downtown Phoenix at, get this, Patriots' Square.

I would love to have someone dress up in a Continental Army uniform complete with musket and, of course, a trigger lock.

Many phone calls to be made. Gotta get signs, and a portable PA. We are gonna rock.



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RickD:
Today I began a concerted effort to organize a Phoenix-area counter demonstration for the local branch of the Million Mom March which will be held here in downtown Phoenix at, get this, Patriots' Square.

I would love to have someone dress up in a Continental Army uniform complete with musket and, of course, a trigger lock.

Many phone calls to be made. Gotta get signs, and a portable PA. We are gonna rock.


Well, you found it. The single reason I'm sorry I moved to Idaho from Phoenix last week. I'm sorry I'm going to miss the demonstration. Best of luck to you.

Blue Ribbon coalition, Cato, GOA, NRA, TLCA


New member
Letter to the editor concerning the signatures being gathered for a ballot measure in Oregon to make background checks mandatory for private dealer sales in Oregon.

My letter included the little known fact that the names of all submitting to the check will be kept for 5 years...defacto gun registration if I've ever seen it. I hope it educates the fencesitters.


"Is your church BATF approved?"

Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our only "No compromise" gun lobby.



Staff Alumnus
Also, some of the small things I did this year is listed below. I'm not trying to toot my horn but hope that some of these actions possibly will be copied by others.

Became a GOA Life member.
Annoyed the hell out of my congressmens with letters.
Donted money to SAS, NRA, GOA, etc.
Trained 5 lawyers on RKBA and shooting.
Trained as many youngsters as possible on the safety of firearms and the joy of shooting.
Sponsered two people with NRA memberships.
Sent a teabag letter to 20 congressmen.
Will join SAS in Washington D.C.

It's not enough to just yell. We must SCREAM and follow with ACTIONS!

1911 Addiction
"Rangers Lead the Way!"


New member
Goin' out tomorrow to a local K Mart where anti's are protesting the sale of firearms.
They tried this last month, we counterdemonstrated and drove them off. Tomorrow is round 2.

Anyone on Long Island interested in getting in on the brawl... er Demonstration meet at the Riverhead K Mart at two o'clock. The Riverhead K Mart is on Old Country road in Riverhead, about two miles east of LIE exit 73. See you there!

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!


New member
On Monday, April 24, I attended the gun rally at the Massachusetts State House against discretionary issue of firearm ID cards. The keynote speaker was Roy Innes of C.O.R.E.

I attended another rally today in Hudson where the keynote speaker was Alan Gottlieb of SAF.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.


New member
Excellent. You guys are heroes. It helps to know we arent alone in this. It also helps to get ideas from others on what they're doing.
Just in case no one has said it before, thanks for all you do for all of us.


New member
I write at least one letter to the editor a month, call my congressman and senators offices constantly, forward articles from TFL and other sources to gun owners I know, harrass friends and relatives to join NRA, talk _soothingly_ to folks who don't own guns, and a host of other things.

There's a couple of new projects on my front burner. One is outline here under the topic
"Shall we go after NBC?" As long as everyone
concerned agrees with the letter, I'll set it in Quark Express and e-mail the files to anyone who wants to get copies printed at Kinko's or other such places.

The other project is going to be a closed-loop videotape of Algore on Larry King
Live last Sept 29, saying "we have to look at the idea of banning handguns, licensing and fingerprinting gun owners and registering all guns." This will be mixed with video of the guns being destroyed in England and Australia. I don't have a voice-over script yet, but will soon. There are 14" TV's that have built in VCR's that cost about $175. I can leave one at a gun shop, gun show or anyplace else where non-informed gun owners show up. One thing I've noticed is that gun owners who won't read a piece of literature will stand and watch a video, even if it's about nothing.

When the videotape is ready, I'll let everyone know in case they'd like to get a copy.



Member In Memoriam
Called together a few like-mindeds which then turned into the Tyranny Response Team http://www.trteam.com

20+ demos in the Denver/NE Colorado area & spreading across the land.

Kicked off Let Freedom Ring! 2000 (which almost everybody didn't participate in :() - a mass electronic protest = flopped due to non-participation.

Too numerous to count e-mails, hard copies to politicos & letters to editors, radio call-ins, guest host & general nusance.

Took The Wife out to the woods for some well-deserved R&R & practised long-range rifle shooting. The Wife's a natural w/the rifles (li'l ol' Rem M7 in 7-08) & one hot ticket with her S&W 66.

& just might have some more stuff comin' down the pike for some other "reindeer games."

Oh yeah, big TRT response to play with MMMs in Denver & then The Wife's a sppeaker at the SAS rally right afterwards in Denver.

She is at least as active as I am & we're just starting to ramp.

?Y tu?


New member
Wow! You guys make me feel like a slacker :) No videos or public speeches here. To tell the truth, it's hard enough for me to walk into a gun shop and ask them to post a petition. I do it, but it doesn't come easy. They've all been great about it.

I've done the stuff I mentioned. Joined the GOA (life), NRA (they're on probation). Given NRA memberships as gifts, including a couple to the kids from Santa. Father's day is next. :) I've harrassed my elected officials and various companies about their gun control stances. Last week I even sent an email to the local tv station asking that they show a more balanced view of gun control issues, although I have to admit, it was more from the frustration I felt listening to it each morning while drinking my coffee. I talk to people, soft-sell definately, if I think they may not have an opinion formed.

Lastly, I'm going to DC on Mother's Day and bringing my kid. I hope there's a crowd.


New member
We spent the weekend, starting with Friday evening at a gun show promoting the Second Amendment Sisters' countermarch to the MMMs scheduled for two weeks from today.

I can think of other things I could be doing on a beautiful spring weekend, but dammit, this is important!!!

Do you want HCI, Rosie O'Donnel and Hillary Clinton to speak for you?

Get off your collective dupas and do something positive!

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!


New member
I'm still trying to get to the Glock Legal Defence Fund. Has anyone else found it yet?

We need to try to contribute to all of the gunmakers who are fighting back. Beretta hasn't gotten back to me yet about their fund, so I don't know if they are going to put one together or not. I'll keep asking them. Maybe if a bunch of us asked to help, they'd post a way to contribute.

This is the fight. We can't let our participation stall out now. Keep making noise, keep donating to those who are fighting. Keep writing politcos, companies, ogs, whoever is involved.

Ink and money now could save blood and cordite later.

If the Founding Fathers would have leaped at the chance to use something like the internet and our modern communication systems.

[This message has been edited by Shin-Tao (edited May 01, 2000).]


New member
OH #@!&%#!!@

I went to the counter demonstration at the Riverhead NY K Mart as I stated above. About 150 of us pro gun patriots waited around for 2 hours for the anti's to show up.

The cowards chickened out! They (the antis) apparently saw us and decided to leave rather than face our counter demonstration.

Im PO'ed, didn't get to yell at any liberals. Stood there for two hours with my sign and the other side didn't show. #%@!#!!@>

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!