What have I gotten myself into now????


New member
The company that I am on contract with is very active in the community. Many of the people here volunteer to help teach at a local inner city elementary school, grades K-5, in a number of subjects. These kids need good positive role models from the community to come in and emphasize the importance of an education and good behavior. Some of the mentors read, help teach math skills, physics, act as chaperones (sp?) for field trips and such. I thought that this would be a perfect group to present gun safety to via the NRA Eddie the Eagle program and I spoke to the teachers and volunteered to coordinate and teach the program on a class by class basis thinking that the 20-25 student class size would be a perfect audience size. I then found out that there are 500 students in this school!!! So it looks like I am becoming an elementary school teacher for a semester. Well, I guess I can put a positive spin on a bunch of impressionable kids that may keep some of them alive and from becoming antis. Now if I could only get them to let me teach a Bill of Rights class to the 5th graders.


New member
I'm impressed! I bring up Eddie Eagle to the schools around here and you'd think I'd just suggested we have a class on how to make pipebombs and other terrorist weapons. :rolleyes: Are you talking about one of the IPS schools, Jeff? I'd be really interested in knowing which school district this is. It might help me get our township into gear if they know another one is doing it. Great job!

500 elementary kids??? You're gonna need a lot of patience ... or some of sensops meds. :D

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights Hand-gun Control Inc. - Come see OUR truth!


New member
Blueeyeddog, it is IPS #43 at 40th and College. I met with the teachers today who will present it to the principal. Notices of the program during this semester will be sent to the parent giving them the option to pull their child from the instruction if desired. November is safety month and they would like it then, but it looks like I am going to spend at least 20 hours just in the classrooms for the initial presentations. That does not count the prep time, overtime, and follow ups. I am going to spread it out and do a few classes a week.


New member
Good for you Jeff!! You sound like me, I am such a softy, especially when it comes to helping kids (Sunday School, volunteering at a local science museum, Youth Commission at church,....) I hope all goes well. I share Blueyedog's surprise that they would even listen to a proposed Eddie Eagle class.

You'll do fine!!


New member
WoooHooo! Way to go, Jeff! Would love to see how it goes..any chance of having your classes videotaped?

Just don't get confused and start teaching them about BUDs!!! :eek:


New member
Ottergal, LMAO! ... "Today, class, we will start with the basics. STOP! Don't touch! Don't underinflate! ... er ... I mean ... strike that! :D

Hey Jeff, I got the number of the man to call to borrow the Eddie Eagle costume if you want it. E-mail me if you want it.


New member
Pick one age group and start there (5th grade?). It will lighten your load. When you are done with them, you can work your way down if you want. If not, this year's 4th graders can be next year's fifth graders.

The other thing you could do is teach the teachers. Probably the most effective way to go, and you can move on to the next school while they teach the kids. Also, they will be able to repeat/refresh the lesson at appropriate intervals.