What happened to McCain?

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New member
I was quite impressed with him in 2000. Now it seems like he can't do anything right. What do you think happened? Anyone, like me, sad to see this happen?



I never trusted him, as he blew with the political winds as they changed by the second.

And his selling out of national security to support amnesty for illegals is what did him in. I say good riddance.
I know alot of people like myself, that used to be big McCain supporters, completely lost faith in him when he became a shill for the current adminstration concerning the war and other issues of personal privacy and immigration.

It was obvious that he was cozying up with people that just months before had tried to ruin him with slander and lies and the only reason alot of us could see for that was that he had sold out for one reason or another.

Pat H

I've not been saddened to see McCain self destruct. While I was never a McCain fan, knowing some of his foibles for decades, his support of the substantial gutting of the First Amendment via McCain-Feingold Campaign speech restrictions nailed the coffin lid shut as far as I was concerned. His stand on amnesty for illegal aliens isn't surprising, and his support for gun confiscation isn't either.


New member
He ticked off the conservative base over the last six years, then alienated the moderates with his support of the war.
He ticked off the conservative base over the last six years, then alienated the moderates with his support of the war.
When you go to the dance, you leave with the guy that brought you. If you don't you get a bad rep and noone wants you at all.

McCain forgot who brought him to the dance and he has ended up sitting alone in the back seat with his bra off, make-up smeared, and the respect of noone.
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Pat H

playboypenguin says: McCain forgot who brought him to the dance and he has ended up sitting alone in the back seat with his top off, make-up smeared, and the respect of noone.
Sir, that's a visual I could have done without.


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pbp (playboypenguin)

I've reached pretty much the same conclusions as you regarding his shameless sucking up. Looks like he thought 'can't beat em lets join em' and it's come back to haunt him.


Paul B.

New member
My question is this; when will Senator John McCain come out of the closet and admit he is a Democrat? :barf:
This question is asked in all seriousness.
Paul B.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The same time that GWB admits that he was underqualifited for the job and didn't have the slightest idea of what he was doing.

Not that I like McCain.

Not that I like any of the candidates from either party.


New member
I'm 100% in agreement about not liking any candidate from either party. Too bad we have to put up with all the political campaigning this early before an election - especially with the overall 'quality' of the candidates to date.

Pat H

"Newt Gingrich comes to mind."

I was looking for a more serious answer, but you've helped me through the day, thanks for that.


New member
McCain was a creature of the media. Media failed to pull his bacon out of the fire over amnesty and the result was predictable.


New member
-Joining hands with Kennedy on the immigration bill.

-Insulting American workers by saying they will not work as hard as illegal workers.

-Agreeing with Bush on the Iraq war.

He has accomplished one thing. On conservative blogs his ratings are even lower than GW.


New member

He was there for the diversion. He'll get his FEC money and be on his way. Bomb, Bomb, bombed out.:barf:


New member
Another thing that is vitally important is presence. Standing next to Romney and Guliani, McCain is the epitome of a crotchety old man whos frustration is about to boil over. Voters don't really like that.
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