What happened to Casepro company?

So I am trying to find a Casepro 100 resizer and the Casepro people haven't answered their phone or emails since before Christmas. Now I found their number has been disconnected. Anybody know what happened to them?


More importantly, anyone know where I can score a Casepro 100 resizer?


New member
If you read a couple of minutes on the web site, I believe you will find that it roll sizes brass....at least, that is what I got from the few minutes I spent there.

the machinist

New member
I ordered 1000 .223 from from top brass and talked with the owner for 45 minutes..about everything except brass..:D but he did tell me that roll sizing was the last thing you wanted to do..I dont know..that's just what he said..
What you are telling me is that you are passing on a stranger's advice that you don't understand concerning equipment, a process, and a situation unfamiliar to you. Well that is nice and all, but not exactly helpful.


New member
00spy, I am thinking they may have gone under. I was looking at them also and I had some problems trying to get in touch with them. I know they were waiting on orders so they could start production and were raising their price also. I hope not, but it may have happened. I went and got the magma Jr. instead. Its not a bad machine but the Casepro is much faster.

the machinist

New member
What you are telling me is that you are passing on a stranger's advice that you don't understand concerning equipment, a process, and a situation unfamiliar to you. Well that is nice and all, but not exactly helpful.

Not at all what I'm telling...but I would venture to guess that someone who makes his living from buying and selling brass and some one who has probably resized more in one day than 90% of the ppl on here will ever do in a lifetime..well I would imagine he knows what he is talking about..so..is roll crimping better than full length?
well I would imagine he knows what he is talking about

Like I said, you don't.

You are trying to tell me I don't want a given tool with absolutely no knowledge of my needs or how the process even works and doing so not based on your own personal knowledge.


New member
You are trying to tell me I don't want a given tool with absolutely no knowledge of my needs or how the process even works and doing so not based on your own personal knowledge.

Dude, you're the one who asked for help, from "anybody".

Advice is free. If you don't want it, leave it be.

If you have a reloading question, you might wish to post it in your own thread as you aren't likely to get it answered here. Roll crimping has nothing to do with roll resizing and the Casepro 100.

the machinist

New member
My bad..I meant to say is roll sizing better than full length..:D
so..is roll sizing better than full length?
And I'm not directing this question towards you..as others on here have their opinion also..
So you too are trying to hijack the thread instead of starting your own? Why would you think you are going to get an asnwer to your query when folks reading the thread title won't even know it is here?

I do appreciate the admission that you don't understand the process.


No, he's just nasty ---

Hello The Machinist!
Double Naught Spy is just plain Double Naught Nasty!
He barfed on me for basically doing as you, asking questions; accusing me of hijacking as well. I thought this "was" the place to continue a thread; asking questions under an open topic??? I guess we both have not been around as long/as much as Mr. Double Out Not Too? :confused::confused:



New member

Dude, I was not asking for advice on what tools to use. I was asking for information on the Casepro company.

Had it occurred to you that perhaps there might be a reason that they might have gone out of business? And perhaps a helpful poster was just trying to bring such a potential reason to light?
