What Happened to Bachman Guns?


New member
Dear Friends,

What became of Bachman Guns? Its web address used to be www.bachmangun.com but I haven't been able to connect to that site for some time. Does anybody know anything about this? Thanks in advance.


New member
Is this the Bachman Gun and Pawn in Dallas? I know they're still in business, I called them just a couple of weeks ago. I didn't even know they had a website! :eek:


Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail... DON'T TREAD ON ME!!-Metallica

"The best way to deal with a {criminal} with a gun,is to say, 'I know you're upset.'...Compassion is the answer...Try to be compassionate with them and relate to them." -Jessica Flag, MMM


I'm glad you brought this up. I purchased a gun last year on line from them and got a great price. I tried to visit their site a couple of weeks ago and didn't get anywhere. I sent them an e-mail but haven't gotten a response. If someone lives down there how about giving them a call and let us know!


New member
As far as I know the Bachman store on Northwest Highway is still going strong, but I can't get to their web site either. The local paper had an ad about a sale going on there a month or so ago.

Great place.


New member
It is a great store but if you want a real bargin catch them at a local gunshow. Their prices are anywhere from $25-50 cheaper for the same gun at the shows. They are almost always at the major Dallas area big shows and I'm sure they will be at Market Hall Sept 30/Oct 1.
I was at a local gun show a couple of weeks ago, and they were there. I am sure that they are still around. They are a great store to buy guns at. The people are very nice and the prices aren't bad.

Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

So many politicians......so little ammunition!!!


New member
I saw them at a gun show just yesterday here in Houston.


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