What handgun round for 400 pound gorillas?


New member
My 10mm 1911 is loaded with a mag of 135 grain JHPs that scream at 1600+ fps but then backed up by two mags of 200 grain XTP HPs at about 1200 fps. I just figure there are times when real deep penetration backed up by expansion may be key. Here would be the reason why...


Gorilla Escapes From Dutch Zoo, Attacks Random People
Friday , May 18, 2007

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands —

A 400-pound gorilla escaped from its enclosure and ran amok in a Rotterdam zoo Friday, biting one woman, dragging her around and causing scenes of panic among dozens of families before being subdued, zoo officials said.

The Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo was evacuated and the 11-year old gorilla, named "Bokito," was eventually barricaded inside a restaurant, Rotterdam police spokeswoman Yvette de Rave said. She said at least two people were injured in the incident.

Zoo spokeswoman Lilian Jonkers said Bokito was shot with a sedative dart and recaptured. It was not immediately clear how the black-backed male managed to climb the high stone walls surrounding his enclosure.

"He got over the moat, which in itself is remarkable because gorillas can't swim," zoo director Ton Dorrestijn told reporters. "He got onto a path for visitors and started running and went at full speed through tables and diners at the Oranje restaurant."

Dorrestijn said four people were injured, including one woman with a bite wound, as the gorilla dashed through the zoo and restaurant, NOS radio reported.

Eyewitness Robert de Jonge was interviewed by the Netherlands' NOS radio, saying he did not see the gorilla escape but began following it shortly afterward, as he saw people running and screaming that an escaped gorilla had grabbed a woman — and he tried to help.

"I saw the beast running through the park with a woman behind him, him grabbing her forearm," De Jonge said.

At a distance of around 30 yards, he saw the gorilla lie down near the woman and then heard her scream.

"He bit her, or I think he bit her, because when he stood up his mouth was covered in blood," De Jonge said.

He said he then stopped to tell arriving police what had happened and ran with them as they traced the gorilla to a nearby restaurant terrace within the zoo.

The zoo was packed with visitors as many Dutch took advantage of a national holiday.

"Everyone was in panic, running away, screaming, wailing, screaming kids running around ... kids without parents — it was a total drama," De Jonge said.

Photos from the scene showed children cowering in their parents' arms as the gorilla loped past.

People tried to hide inside the restaurant and were trying to bar the door, but fled as the gorilla approached, De Jonge said. Bokito then punched through the glass door and ran inside.

"They were all in panic, the animal too I mean, and all the people ran outside the restaurant, and zoo personnel were running up and they were able to keep the animal inside by barricading the doors with garden furniture and things."

De Jonge said he later saw the woman who was bitten "covered in blood" but walking unaided, and he said her injuries were probably not life-threatening.

Hey, I love animals and find gorillas amazing. I enjoy watching them and learnign about them. At the same time if I see a loose wild gorilla freaking out, grabing my wife or daughter and dragging them away it is going down.

So when the next person says to you "That 10mm, 45ACP, 44Mag etc is more gun than you will ever need" then ask them how they would handle an attack by a 400 pound gorilla!


New member
I'm sure less would suffice, but where's the fun in that.

600 Nitro Express



New member
I think my .44 Mag loaded with Garrett Hammerheads would become my HD revolver (as opposed to the .357 that currently holds that rank) and I'd either lean my Marlin .45-70 up next to the bed or stick a slug in my NEF 10ga and put it in the Marlin's place.


New member
For some reason I can't get too worked up about being attacked by a gorilla. I'm fairly sure I'll die in a skydiving accident first, even though I don't skydive. Hey, it could happen, you never know where they may land.......


New member
Just give the gorilla some munchies and it be fine.

Though I think one of the larger magnum rounds would do well.

My home town had the circus lions escape a couple of times and go on a tour of the town centre. Scary times to be outside.


New member
My home town had the circus lions escape a couple of times and go on a tour of the town centre. Scary times to be outside.

"a couple of times" You mean more than once!?!? :eek: I hope that circus is out of business then! Multiple instances of having the lions get loose seems like a BIG problem to me.