What handgun do other armies use?


New member
Israeli's use what is sold in the states as the Baby Eagle, a variant on the CZ-75 actually... Referred to as the Jericho if I'm not mistaken.

The Germans use the H&K P8, a variant on the HK USP 9mm full size. Holds 15 rounds.

Brits... probably use the Browning High Power, the SAS does, 9mm 13 rounds. Not positive though.

French... no clue, prolly a 9mm though. They ARE a part of NATO afterall.

Japanese: Hmm... wasn't aware they had an army...


New member
Israel Defense forces do use the Jericho 941 [USA's Baby Eagle series], but they also use Glocks, Sigs, and Rugers. The Isreali Military Industries make the Jericho, so it is a Israeli product, like the Uzi or Galil firearms they also use. Whether it is a token few to support a national industry or not, I can't say.

As for Japan, you are right: constitutionally they cannot have an army. Instead, they have a 'Japanese Defense Force' that is organized to protect Japan from X. They use F-14 and f-15 jets, but they are only a 'defense force', not an air force or army. Yeah. Right. I know that quite a few groups that claim to just be 'police forces' would LOVE to have f-14s and f-15s to use.

Now, this could have changed in the recent past and I am unaware of it. After all, Germany had a constitutional amendment that did not allow them to send airplanes outside of their own borders until the balkan crisis at the end of last century, when they made an amendment to allow their Luftwaffe to serve as part of a UN force.

I can't add to what any other country uses, as I really don't know too much. I just know about the Jericho/Baby Eagle from research before I bought mine.

good luck



New member
JMSTR . . . .

Not to pick nits, but the Japanese do not -- and never have -- operated the F-14 Tomcat. :)


New member
As far as the European nations go - it doesn't matter what they carry. Every time they get into a conflict we must come to their rescue.


New member
Sidearms of Countries

To the best of my recollection:
France--Beretta Model 92FS produced by St Eteinne Arsenal
Italy--Beretta M-92
Israel--motley assortment of Glocks, Rugers, Jerichos
Germany--HK P8/USP
Austria--Glock 17
Denmark--Glock 17
Britain--Sig 226
Japan--Sig 226