What gun to grab? Disturbance inside vs. outdoors

Futo Inu

New member
If you hear a bump in the night indoor, which gun is grabbed first at your home?

If you hear commotion outside and/or your dogs barking (outdoors) in the middle of the night, which gun? Same or different? Why?

Right now, I would grab the Springfield .45 6" indoors, and the Rem 870 pump 12 ga with 18" bbl for outdoors commotion. Reason being, more room to maneuver the long gun outdoors.


New member
I'd grab my M4. It's light weight quick for targeting at short range with the AimPoint. And I also have the flip up rear for longer ranges.




New member
I'm not crazy about walking around outside at night with a long gun ... what if a neighbor also heard a noise and already called the cops - guess who they find walking around with an obvious gun? :eek:

So I'd just stick with a handgun held out of sight.


New member

Well if thay were breaking into my house then I'd grab the rifle.
If it were just some noise a few houses over I'd call the cops.
But I'm not going to run around the block with it.


Steve Smith

New member
Same as M4, amazingly.

If "they" are inside the house already, it'll be the pistol nest to the bed. If they are just outside and trying to get in, I'll take an AR with a 30 round mag that I have right next to it. I am NOT going outside the house. That is a great way to get ambushed.

Larry Wright

New member
Whatever the gun de jour is; right now it would be the Charter 2000 44 special; next month with fall weather coming probably the S&W 459. If trouble was imminent, which it isn't, the Mossberg 500 would be out of the locked locker and closer at hand. And I ain't going outside (to the tune of "Ghostbusters").


New member
The biggest gun there is: the radio! (Or cell phone, and I don't think my PD has any vee tee frag available).:(


New member
I live in an Apartment so outdoors is definitely out of the question.

In my case " outdoors" would mean my carry weapon, currently a HK USPC .45.

As for indoors I grab my 9mm AR.

If I did live in a house I still would not venture outside in search of a problem. A call to the PD for a "courtesy" call is what I would do. A small portable spotlight is also very efficient for checking problem areas outside from within the house. Criminals generally fear light. There is nothing worse than being caught in a spotlight because you can't see what the user is doing or carrying.

Good Shooting


New member
Either way I'm going to tuck my 1911 in my belt (if I have time to get some pants on) and step out of my room with my 870. And I wouldn't go outside.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
A bump in the night?

Indoors (Personal Use)- Sig P220A .45ACP
stoked with Federal's 230 Hydra-Shok JHP's

Indoors (other family members)- 6" S&W 686-5
loaded with Federal's 110 grain +P JHP's

Oudoors (by all)- Remington 12 GA 870 Marine
Magnum. You guessed it, full of Federal's #4 Buck-

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
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New member
Well, as for not going outside if there is a noise ... around here it is most likely deer in the yard - though it could be a big cat. My wife is sure she saw a cougar walk down the street right under the streetlight a couple years ago. She first thought it was a big tan dog but then realized that it didn't walk right for a dog.

Anyway, I can't call the sheriff once or twice a week just because the dog barked or I thought I heard something outside. But I am definitely not going out there unarmed, either.


New member
.357 Dan Wesson from the headboard, in waistband...

and the remington 870 Marine Magnum with a full load of 000 buck in my hands, no matter WHERE the disturbance is...

I live in the country, with NO close neighbors... so that ain't a problem...

Last time I had a disturbance, it was a black bear opening my bird-feeder for a snack... I let him go, as he wasn't a very big bear...
I wouldn't go outside. You can chase them away, but don't shoot because it's beyond the "self defense" immunity that most states have. NV & Utah on the other hand, allow for protection of chattel (personal property) with deadly force. Be that as it may, if you must go to a gunfight, it's not big gun outside and little gun inside but rather bringing a "bigger" gun than the BG has - always.


New member
Without a doubt......a shotgun and a pistol as a secondary. If they were inside the house the last thing i would grab would be an AR (or in my case...AK).


New member
The same 1911. And I ain't goin' outside no way no how. If there's something outside, than it's likely not an immediate threat to me and mine. Based on past response times, the local police will be at my door in about 2 minutes.


Country Boy

New member
My trusty 1911A1 would be grabbed in either case, because it's useful beyond tabletop distances. Just because there is a "commotion" is not necessiarly reason to start bolting the doors and setting the claymores out by the safe room. Depends on the commotion, and whether I am at my apartment, or visiting my folks on the farm. If husband and wife are having an argument out on the lawn, it's their business. If husband and wife are having an argument on the lawn, and husband pulls out an 18" machete, starts slashing tires and threatening to kill the wife, I just may be inclined to call the PD and make sure wife stays OK until they arrive. On the farm, if the dog is barking, chances are that it is a four-legged pest. I'm gonna go outside and calm the dog down, but I'm gonna have a gun along so I don't accidentally introduce myself to momma badger and family.

The textbook answer of "grab gun, lock self inside" is usually the best answer, but there are exceptions. Sometimes "grab gun, go investigate" needs to be done.