What gun laws would you agree to?


New member
What, if any, gun laws are reasonable?

Now, before you jump all over me, I hope you all know I'm utterly, wholly, totally against any and all gun control and anti-gun laws.

However, I think perhaps the background instacheck is about the only thing that really makes sense.

Perhaps so an escaped criminal can't buy a gun, a guy who has a restraining order against him, etc.

There are certain people who shouldn't own guns, and the background check takes care of that, I think

Well, that's about it... all the other laws I know of are nuts.

What do you think?


New member
My cousin the kindergarten teacher believes everyone should have at least one unregistered, untraceable ("ghost") gun.

I can't articulate his reasoning at the moment, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean there should (or even could) be a law supporting it.

I may or may not have mine. ;)


New member
Any gun law that mandated that every law-abiding citizen of age be issued a Sig 550,Steyr Aug or HK G36 ....

I wish that I lived in Switzerland, can you tell??:p :D

Christopher II

New member
None. None at all, ever, of any kind, under any circumstance.

I would be as opposed to a law mandating gun ownership as to a law banning gun ownership.

Ragnar Danneskjold: "I'll kill you if you don't take this bar of gold!"
Hank Rearden - "I'll kill you if you don't stop giving me bars of gold!"
Atlas Shrugged - Hong Kong Theater Version

- Chris


New member
But seriously:

1. Only responsible law abiding citizens should be able to keep arms.

2. Concealed carry should be universal amongst the above, but only after the proper training. Sort of like deputizing.

I have mixed emotions about automatic weapons. On one hand, why not, if the above two laws are enforced. On the other, perhaps caliber would be a limiting factor, or class of weapon (i.e assault rifles okay, maybe medium to full size machine guns no). But where do you draw the line to keep the spirit of the second amendment?

It really doesn't matter anyway. There will never be fewer gun laws, only more.

Mike Weber

New member
Why would anyone ever need a gun? Aren't all guns evil? Wouldn't more socialism and government programs cure all of societies problems? Isn't that thief who is climbing through your window, really just an oppressed underprivilaged fellow who really means you no harm at all? Why would you need a gun to defend yourself? JEEZE I had to get some fresh air! I've been over on that Bowling for Columbine forum too long and those EuroMarxists are starting to get to me. That Stevie character is especially hard to stomach. In anwser to the question at hand, Void all city,State and Federal firearms laws. Instead of gun control why not CRIME CONTROL. Immediatly deport all liberal gun grabbers and socialists to Germany,France Britain,Australia,and Canada. While were at it why not just do a replay of what Fidel Castro did to us during the Carter Administration Lets empty out all of the prisons revoke the citizenship of all those prisoners and deport them all to the countries I've allready mentioned. I wonder if they would welcome them with open arms like Jimmy Carter. Thanks guys I had to vent and clear my head a bit. Oh yeah one other thing I would be in favor of a Swiss style militia system with firearms in every home and Government supplied ammo. I wouldn't have to spend so much time at the reloading bench that way.:rolleyes:


New member

1) Already done.

2) Who's going to do the training? The govt? Oh the humanity!!!

Automatics: No reason to ban or restrict them. Give me a reason why they should be.


New member
I know some of you guys are recently converted "antis". But, ya'll still have a little ways to go to come to a full understanding on how bad firearms laws are.
Gun laws don't work. Background checks don't work. In theory, they may sound good to you, though.


New member
Let's see. Other than not being able to posses firearms as a convicted felon or spouse abuser, I don't and would not agree to any.


New member
Mitch: I'm hardly a "recently converted anti."

I've always loved guns, bought my first two this summer (Mossi and Beretta 96) and stumbled across TFL.

Lo and behold, I discover I am indeed a gun nut!!!

I guess my support of background checks is a bit stupid...sorry...I won't let it happen again! :eek: :D :cool:


New member
Marine: What about NON-VIOLENT felons?

I hardly think the Enron boys shouldn't be allowed to own guns anymore...


New member
About the only one I think I could handle is don't drink and use/touch/carry a firearm and I really think that should be common sense more than another law on the books.


New member
The only gun law I can think of which I would support is that if you commit a crime with a gun, then you go to jail and lose your right to have a gun.

Or is that too complicated?


New member
The big problem is: I think there are a number of measures that I would like to see followed by all gun-owners out of simple common sense - but if these are made into laws, they will be used to restrict gun ownership and/or legitimate use! I cringe every time I see one of these measures ignored, but I can't support them being made into laws because of the negative ways in which such laws can be used against us. Catch-22, anybody??? :(

Examples of the common-sense measures I wish we'd all adhere to, but which I do NOT want to see made mandatory laws:

1. All firearms to be stored securely and safely when not under the direct and immediate control of their owner(s) (e.g. gun cabinets or safes, or at minimum locked so that they can't be used by casual criminals who obtain them);

2. Any person carrying concealed to have trained and qualified with their weapon(s) to a relatively high standard, so that they are able to handle them correctly and not pose a risk to the general population if they ever have to use them - and regular ongoing training and re-qualification, if possible;

3. NEVER any mixing of weapons and drugs/alcohol/etc.;



New member
Marine: What about NON-VIOLENT felons?

What about them? They're felons. If you decide that you're going to commit a crime against society that classifies as a felony, then no, you don't deserve a firearm. Nor do you deserve the right to vote.

This very fact is one of the reasons I behave myself. For I know that if I ever commit a felony, I'll have the ability to defend myself severely curtailed and I lose the opportunity to help guide policy in my country (voting). These are 2 things I do not care to lose, ergo I will not commit a felony.