What gas system?


New member
Just saw this picture online and was wondering what kind of gas system the guy on the left was running. Anyone know?



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Pinto beans?
Jokes aside, do you mean the guy on their left with the SKS? A: short-stroke piston.

The guy on the right looks to have a 16" barrel, so my amateur guess would be a carbine length DI gas system.

Why do you ask?


New member
This picture is floating around to try and convince people that social just warriors have taken up arms. I guess as an intimidation attempt.


New member
The guy on the left in the blue shirt has a 16" Dissipator model, which used a rifle length gas tube on a 16" barrel.


New member
Carbine or mid-length, most likely.

The guy on the left in the blue shirt has a 16" Dissipator model, which used a rifle length gas tube on a 16" barrel.

As mentioned by bedlamite, the proper way to build a 'Dissipator'-style upper is with a faux rifle-length gas block / FSB to hold the hand guard cap, and a carbine or mid-length gas system hidden under the hand guards.

Rifle gas on a 16" barrel is not reliable.


New member
That's what I was thinking, Franken. It looked like a rifle-length gas system but that wouldn't have worked. So I was thinking there must be some low-pro gas block hidden under there somewhere.

Strange. Why would anyone do that? Just to extend the FSP out a few more inches?


New member
Increased sight radius and reduced heat distortion/diffraction of the sight picture from a hot gas block. --Putting the block under the hand guards is supposed to "dissipate" the heat better.
(Hence, the name. ;))

It also gives you a notably longer hand guard to use, and hides the hot gas block from sensitive fingers attached to trigger-happy individuals.


New member
I'm a little jealous of the build that the woman in the middle is carrying. I'd love to know what kind of stock that is. Is that an 18" barrel? That has me rethinking my current AR setup; I like that stock, and the longer barrel with long forend. That Dissy on the left is straight out of the 1990s, but the one in the center is a sweet build.

I also notice that everyone seems to be following Rule Three, at least in that pic.


New member
Reposting the pic so others can view easily. For some reason I feel that this is a staged picture... I am just taking a wild guess, not based on any fact or knowledge.


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Bushmaster was the first to coin the name "Dissipator" as a model and it was a 16" barrel with a carbine length gas system and rifle length sights. Colt had experimented with rifles shortened to carbine length but at the time they were never referred to as "Dissipator" model. Several people and companies have used the name "Dissipator" for guns that look like Bushmaster's model from the outside but in turn are only faux.


New member
If I was going for a photo op, I would have stuck with the 91/30 with the bayonet... but that's just me. :)

...but to comment, high likelihood it's a mid length system set up to be a mock dissipator. Palmetto was selling them for a while.


New member
This may shed some light on the subject... His isn't mentioned, but based on the others I think you can draw a conclusion.

EDIT: I've seen explanations for the seeming issues, so not sure if it's accurate or not.

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New member
Being that the pictures are low resolution, I cannot draw any conclusions. The issues noted could just be image aberrations.

The one guy has a suppressor, so that's an NFA item.
I still think that this is staged.

Does anyone know where this was taken? Even if the firearms are legal, in some parts of the country, daggers are illegal. I've had plenty of knives confiscated over the years for being longer than an adult's hand is wide.


New member
You would think at least one of the people in the picture would have a sling.
The only firearms I see that don't appear to have slings attached are the AK in the lower right hand corner, and the SKS.
Everyone else / everything else seems to be paired with a sling.

Does anyone know where this was taken? Even if the firearms are legal, in some parts of the country, daggers are illegal. I've had plenty of knives confiscated over the years for being longer than an adult's hand is wide.
I've dealt with some of that stupidity, as well.

Utah's knife laws are much better now, but they used to be quite ridiculous.

6" folding blade? Not a problem.
3" fixed blade? Criminal!!
2" pen knife? Oh, no you didn't! Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to jail!
1.5" flip knife? Oh, you screwed up big time, Bubba!! How dare you carry a knife with a blade that opens in a straight line, rather than pivoting from a point at the base of the blade and traveling in an arc!


New member
Rickyrick: Looks like a pic from several years ago related to Open Carry Texas. It's legal to carry a rifle in the open in Texas. Pistols were not allowed to be open carried until the legislature passed a law allowing it. Open Carry Texas almost killed it too.