What finish for bi-metal pistols?


New member
I am starting to get some wear on the Bruniton finish on my 92FS. Not yet bad enough that I am going to do something about it right now. However, it did get me thinking since the pistol is a combination of steel (slide) and aluminum (frame) - what finish will work on both? Outside of sending it back to Bereatta what are my choices? NP3 has caught my interest would that be possible?



New member

Just about any of the commercial "paint" type finishes can be used on your Beretta. The only restriction that I really know of is that the aluminum won't take a blued job. Otherwise, have at it!

Good Shooting


New member
Robar's NP3 has a good reputation for wear and appearance. Metalife also has a two-step process for the alloy frames. Both firms are known for high quality, and customer care.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
NP3, Rogueguard, Metacol III, there are A LOT of options.
The only problem is deciding on what you really want the outcome to be. What the finished appearance is... color... any patterning... NP3 and Metacol III are my favorites.