What ever happened to the Franchi SPAS models?


New member
My question is in the title. What ever happened to the Franchi SPAS 12/15s? I never see one any more. I had the opportunity to buy one back in 2000 for 850$ and i didnt jump on it. Now I really wish i would have. Im assuming they dont make those models anymore because they aren't listed on http://www.franchiusa.com/. I guess they are gone, but are they forgotten?


New member
I forget the exact term but it was along the lines of "no useful sporting use" so atf stopped importing them.


New member
Oh well that explains it. They were awfully heavy but now I am hard pressed to find a shotgun that is nearly as badass looking as the SPAS-12.

*Kicks self once again for not buying that one for $850 back in 2000*


Kicks self once again for not buying that one for $850 back in 2000

I have many a 20-20 hindsight on guns over the years, like the ability to buy a real Steyr AUG for $450 new, and not doing it, along with many others..........damn butt is still sore from kicking myself over all of those opportunities...:D