what else would you expect


New member
i read this friday and figured it should be passed along.

Gold Star Mothers is an organization made up of women whose sons were
killed in military combat during service in the United
States armed forces.
Recently a delegation of New York State Gold Star Mothers made a trip to
Washington, DC to discuss various concerns with their
elected representatives.

According to NewsMax.com there was only one politician in DC who refused
to meet with these ladies. Can you guess which
politician that might be?

Was it New York Senator Charles Schumer? Nope, he met with them. Try
Do you know anyone serving in the Senate who has never showed anything
but contempt for our military? Do you happen to know
the name of any politician in Washington who's husband once wrote of his
loathing of the military?

Now you're getting warm! You got it! None other than the Queen
herself, The Hildebeast, Hillary Clinton. She refused repeated
requests to meet with the Gold Star Mothers.

Now --- please don't tell me you're surprised. This woman wants to be
president of the United States --- and there is a huge
percentage of the voters who are anxious to help her achieve that.
Cdr Hamilton McWhorter USN(ret)
1087 Merritt Ln El Cajon, CA 92020-7849 (JPOSZ)


New member
She who would be Czarina. From Young Republican to Black Panther apologist to whatever expletive fits at the moment......ride the power wave and to hell with the mere citizens.

Thanks for gettin that up Tom.


New member
I am a gentleman and thus will not not describe Ms. Rodham-Clinton in the manner she so richly deserves. I will say that she is no lady!

Joe Portale

New member
New York Patriots, SPREAD THE WORD!!!


Let the VFW Posts know, tell the American Legion, write to the op-ed department of the newspapers, call your local news stations, pick up the phones and call the radio talk shows, swamp the state with this information.

Don't let anyone forget this insult. This is an insult to all veterns, our lost buddies, our armed forces, our flag and OUR MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS!!!! Which one of you men would let anyone insult you mother or grandmother and do nothing?

Throw this one back in her smug, wanna-be-queen of the world face come election time. Use this as the first shovel of electorial dirt to bury the beast!


A combat vet. son of a combat vet, grandson of a combat vet, nephew of combat vets. Whose family has collected two Silver Stars, six Bronze Stars and 24 Purple Hearts. And grandson of my late grandmother who received two Gold Stars in WWII.

There is a special place in hell for people like Hillary Klinton.

Yes, I am touchy about this.


New member
You should very touchy, as we all should.
that %$#^H time and time again has shown our protectors of freedome that she does not care. that i can live with, i learned a long time ago that not every one will care about what i care about.

refusing to see the GSM's goes much deeper than that. it shows that she does not even posses the common respect for our countrys fallen heros. the very people that died protecting her rights. i guess the differance is that she uses the USA for her personal gain. wile the rest of serve this country at a great personal loss.


Didn't want to meet with the Gold Star Mothers, huh?????

GRRRR.... :mad:

Just another reason why I think that woman is the biggest waste of protoplasm I have ever encountered. (Sorry, I'm with Joe P. on this one...a wee bit touchy about the subject.)

Thanks for the heads up on that TandN. By any chance did Her Wretchedness give a reason for her refusal I'd love to see how she tries to backpedal her fat butt out of this one.


New member
I searched on "gold star mothers" +hillary and ended up at a site called "liemails" at http://www.liemails.com/ which exists to debunk e-mail forwards that are hoaxes, myths, or lies. They state at http://www.liemails.com/indexcl.htm#clintonhillarygoldstarmothers
Clinton, Hillary (Gold Star Mothers)
THE LIE: New York senator Hillary Clinton refused to meet with New York representatives of the Gold Star Mothers, an association of mothers of those who died in military service to the United States. Clinton's office rebuffed two letters from the group requesting a meeting.
THE TRUTH: The story is TRUE, though some of the details are incorrect. It's from the conservative Web site NewsMax, and was posted May 26, 2001 (a NewsMax typo shows 2000; Clinton was not a senator until January 2001). LIEmails spoke by phone with Shirley Jones, one of those named in the e-mail. She told us that the incident occurred February 27, 2001, while she was visiting congressional offices in support of a bill to provide a stipend for parents of those killed in war. She said that she spoke to two receptionists in Clinton's office, who told her that no one could see her. "I explained again that we needed her help," Jones said, "and I was a constituent and was willing to give them any info they needed. And they went and came back and said, there was no one who could speak with you. I was getting mad. We'd been to others' offices. We did get turned away." Jones said she followed up on March 4, 2001 with a letter to Clinton, but as of late May 2001, had not received any response.

So they corroborate the story but state that there were a couple of what are essentaiily typos in the story.

They also give the address for the original story at: http://www.newsmax.com/archive/print.shtml?a=2001/5/26/73332 and the web page of the Gold Star Mothers at: http://www.goldstarmoms.com/


Moderator Emeritus
I just got an email from tomandnacole today. He's still around as far as I know.

P.S. Love your email addy! ;)


New member
freedome that she does not care

Tom, I must disagree. She cares very deeply. She cares about her leftist agenda. She cares about power. She cares about destroying America. She cares about destroying people like these mothers.

Like Bill :barf: , she certainly does care.

I think many are underestimating the evil of these two. They care not a whit about Bill's "legacy" - that was all smokescreen. They care about advancing their ideology. They are fiercely dedicated servants to a cause, and that cause is not so shallow as merely their own agrandizement.


New member
Wait a minute! Are you telling me we have a wildebeest in the SENATE??? The next thing you know, we'll have a pig in the White House. No, we already HAD that, a razorback hog. Man, we're farther gone than I thought!:eek: