What Does Pitting Actually Look Like?


New member
I have these weird black spots on my P7M8 magazines around the holes. I also have 2 small black specs on my cocking serrations that I can't seem to get rid of. Could someone post a pic of what light pitting looks like?

James K

Member In Memoriam
The term pitting is usually used to describe a condition inside the barrel, but it, and probably the marks you describe, is plain old rusting. Rust can be red or black depending on the conditions and the material. Bluing is simply controlled rusting, so the spots could be some discoloration in the bluing. You may be able to remove it with a brass or bronze brush, or with brass wool from the grocery story (sold for cleaning pots). Four 0 steel wool and light oil works OK too, but can scratch if used too harshly.



New member
Pitting looks just like it sounds, small pits in the metal. Rust is how the pits form. As the steel oxidizes it will begin to dissolve or flake forming small depressions in the surface. Pits.


New member
Hard chrome will still rust, it's just more resistant than many other finishes. If the gun wasn't prepped propperly, rust could form under the hard chrome finish leaving pits in its wake.