What does it take to become a columnist?

The Rock

New member
The Rock wants to know. The Rock thinks the qualifications are as follows:
Little or no ability to use logic
Very emotional
As eloquent as a drunk Brazilian sailor (Boston T. Party reference)
As usefull at tits on a boar hog. (or bull dog)

Any others? Possibly someone more eloquent than me (The Rock wonders if that is possible... :)) can elaborate further.

The Rock


Moderator Emeritus
And still breast-feeding

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


Staff Alumnus
Other requirements:

-Cognitive dissonance (recognizing that facts prove one's beliefs to be wrong, and clinging to those beliefs regardless)

-Ability to lie through one's teeth ("I'm a gun owner, but...")

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
And you have to be a complete sell out.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud


New member
I despise the media's (current) slant on things. That being said, I will also never underestimate their power to persuade. Bear in mind that Ben Franklin was a columnist. They have the power to fan whatever spark they want into one hellacious fire. There's around 4,000 "free thinkers" in here according to the blip on the page. Hardly enough to fill high school gym. The readership of even one weekly communis,,,,err I mean columnist is a thousand times that amount. The most interesting concept that I've seen is the prospect that the media itself is becoming a political party, and has the power to make or break a candidate. A year ago, in these forums, I posed the question of how many sources their actually are for news and was met with silence. I'll ask it again: how many sources are there, in real numbers, for news and current events?


New member
A feeling of superiority over mere citizens and a deep distrust of democracy, while faking concern over the well-being of all those little people who can't think or take care of themselves.

The ability to make a report sound plausible even though it's full of errors.

The desire to be chummy with demagogic leftist politicians, who are, after all, the other side of the same coin.

A sense of what is correct according to current media fads and groupthink--going with the latest pseudo-intellectual, politically correct fad is the route to success.

Having no conscience about ambushing interviewees or corrupting the truth to fit media ignorance and preconceptions.

The acting talent to express shock and affect soul-searching when a fellow journalist is revealed for what he or she really is.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited January 11, 2000).]

Jeff Thomas

New member
Did you say columnist or communist? ;)

Actually, supporters of RKBA who can express themselves well should submit articles / columns to local papers. I've received some advice from an author friend on that very subject. Apparently it is not as hard to get published as you might think, and people need to hear our views on the RKBA. Give it a try.


Staff Alumnus
How many gunwriters are "columnists"?

Matt Drudge is a new kind of "columnist"

Theis new media (internet) allows ANYONE to be a columnist.. the ONLY thing that makes you a "noted" columnist is your readership.. and your critical reviews/awrads, etc.

Yes there IS media bias.. whether its the Bias of Rush Limbaugh, or the bias of Time-warner or ted Turner or Peter Jennings. YOUR responsiblity as a media consumer is to CONSIDER the source.

At one Time Ben Franklin was a scream sheet kook eccentric inventor with a miserly little paper called "poor richard's almanac", two yeas later he was in the forefront of america's revolution.

Media IS data, it is also propaganda. OUR side needs 'columnists" too, if you want to convert the masses to our "informed" opinion. Just remember we want a society that can think for itself.. not mindless sheep following whatever "opinions" our "noted columnists" have to say.

Anyone who has ever written an English essay knows the imortance (stylisticly) of avoiding the use of the word "I", and yet still expressing a personal opinion. You do this by stating "GRAPES ARE GOOD FOR YOU" rather than saying "basically, i feel that grapes are good for you". Journalism is handled the same way in MANY forms, wether is print, Tv, radio, or internet.

You want to be a columnist.. start WRITING and stop WHINING.


(off my lil soapbox)


New member
Dr. Rob and Jeff Thomas makes good points. You too can write and participate in public forums. Most people who post on this board are quite capable (in terms of their writing ability) to do so. Go for it.

The only caution is that you will be attacked for supporting the RKBA. As you know, anti-gun people are not interested in facts, data, or what social benefits private firearm ownership presents. Instead, their "arguments" rest on two faulty positions: Appeal to pity and appeal to fear. It is either pity for the victims of violence or fear that people in a free society possess and carry weapons.

This drumbeat is constant and effective in scaring or shaming people into supporting draconian gun laws. Of course, it is illogical and ultimately damaging to the fabric of society, but in a time when principle has been replace by instant gratification of the slightest whim, then not one single civil right is safe from a predatory government.

It is time to hear more pro-gun reasoning in all quarters.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.

Mike in VA

New member
Let's not forget a good dose of cynacism,as in 'knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing'. A while back I would have said stuff like intellectual honesty, objectivity, and integrity, but like common sense, there's not enough of any of that stuff to go around anymore. Hrumph!


Staff Emeritus

To become a successful columnist, you must conquer the English language!

William Safire, in his book “Fumblerules” (published by Doubleday), gives
a lighthearted look at grammar and good usage. These “fumblerules” are
mistakes that call attention to the rule:

- Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read.
- No sentence fragments.
- It behooves us to avoid archaisms.
- Also, avoid awkward or affected alliteration.
- Don’t use no double negatives.
- If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: Resist hyperbole.
- Avoid commas, that are not necessary.
- Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
- Writing carefully, dangling participles should not be used.
- Kill all Exclamation points!!!
- Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
- Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
- Take the bull by the hand, and don’t mix metaphors.
- Don’t verb nouns.
- Never, ever use repetitive redundancies.
- Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plaque.

(From Reader’s Digest, January, 1991, page 74.)


If you still have questions, I recommend my book on grammar published in Berlin, Germany in 1963:

“I Can Learn YOU to talk English Good in Eight Easily Lessons!”

Also watch out for typographicl errors and spelling misteaks.

Good luck in your new career! Hope this helps.


Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Dang - I be published and I done broke every rule you got there Dennis!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud


Staff Emeritus
George, I understand. But good content can overcome a lot of grammar goofs. ;)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I'm talkin about blatant disregards! :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud


New member
Major differences:

When Rush states something, it's clearly his opinion.

When Jennings states his opinion, it is couched as "news."

When Turner states his opinion, it becomes "Company Policy," and you never hear about it.


New member
The Rock, all it takes is a body temperature and a wordprocessor to become a columnist.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG