What Do You Use Your Makarov For?


New member
Am I confused? I own and enjoy an East German Makarov in 9x18mm. My problem is I don't know where it fits as a pistol. Yes, it is a nice pistol but I own smaller and lighter 9x19mm pistols which are better for self-protection. It is cheaper for me to reload 9x19mm ammo than to buy surplus 9x18mm and commercial ammo for the Makarov is very expensive. If I answer my own question I keep it as part of the collection and an occasional shooter. What do you think?
Regards, Richard.


New member
Am I confused? I own and enjoy an East German Makarov in 9x18mm.

Fine example of the genre.

Yes, it is a nice pistol but I own smaller and lighter 9x19mm pistols which are better for self-protection.

I like Makarovs just fine for carry.

It is cheaper for me to reload 9x19mm ammo than to buy surplus 9x18mm and commercial ammo for the Makarov is very expensive.

I don't reload but Maks are cheap to feed. You can get new production Novosibirsk, the best of the Russian rounds, for $105/1000 or $52.50/500 delivered. This is cheaper than any 9mm in my neck of the woods.

If I answer my own question I keep it as part of the collection and an occasional shooter. What do you think?

Your reason is as good as any. I like them because they're slim, relatively comfortable for carry, are very accurate-as accurate as pistols costing much more, very reliable, low maintenance, and they have a mild recoil. I also think they make fine car or truck defense tools.

So many pistols, so little money.


Staff Alumnus
Well they are all steel so they ,make nice hammers. ;)

I don't own anything I won't shoot.. so yeah I'd shoot it, a lot.

Maks make really nice carry guns, so what if they are qa little bit heavy, a little underpowered and a little large.. they cost half as much and they are built stone simple and tank solid.

Given few other choices in the $200 range... MAK wins hands down.


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Makarov is not the BEST choice in $200 range but a damn good one. I overpayed for my Bulgarian at $200 but it is 100% reliable, accurate (one hole at 10m, past that my shooting isn't that great) and is at least adequate for defense. I used to keep it next to a Glock 17 till Glock 21 showed up in my gun box. Reliability, solid construction are my reasons for having it...besides historic interest.

Greg L

New member
I had mine out for essentially the first time this past weekend. I was absolutely astounded on how well it shot. After a couple hours of hitting every target at 15-20 yards (including some lollypops stuck into a board) I tried plinking at some milk jugs hung on a wire at 100 yards. I was hitting them every 3-4 shots which was entirely my fault. If I was a better shot I'm sure that the pistol would have hit them 75% or more of the shots.

As of now I don't carry it, but wouldn't have a problem trusting it for that.


New member
I bought my E.German as a collector. But I will carry when I feel the urge. Great gun for the money and ammo is cheap and readily available :)

Happy Shooting :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
I bought my first Mak (Bulgarian military) about 2 months ago to use as my "car gun" when traveling. My rational was that I must have a reliable and fairly concealable and adequately powerful pistol. Eventhough I don't want to lose any of my handguns, I could replace the Mak for much less than any or the other ones I have.


New member
If/when I carry, I'll usually carry my E. German Makarov in my Falco shoulder rig. I also have the Nolan high mag release, so I have two options for that.

It's nice to know that it will alway go bang when you pull the trigger. Reliability is one thing the Russians have correct.


New member
If reliability and accuracy were the only reasons, the Mak would be my choice. Yes it is heavy. Yes it has the european mag release. Yes there are more powerful rounds out there. Yes it has a fairly heavy da pull. But, it feels good in my hand, hits where I point it at the defensive ranges I would use it, and goes bang every time. A great car gun that can be stuffed into the belt or pocket if needed. I can't reload as cheap as the Russian ammo is to buy. I have found it to be good stuff, at least in the russian weapons. Yo Oleg, what is the best for less then $200?

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited May 04, 2000).]