What do you think about this ammo I bought months ago?


New member
I bought this in the first days of the panic.... I just now opened the box.

Why does it look like light primer strikes? Or was it done during loading?



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P5 Guy

New member

Was the ammo in question brand new in the box?
It looks like someone cycled that thru a gun and put it in your box.
What caliber is that WCC?


New member

Bought at a local gun shop...

Every one has been in a magazine lol...

Oh well it was cheap... In a Winchester white box
Looks like surplus 5.56 though


New member
If they was not crimped I would say they were reloads.
I has some come out like that when I had the rod that pushes the primer in upside down. I was using a hand primer and one end of the rod had a dimple on it.



New member
Looks like every one has been chambered in an AR. The floating FP will do that. Take them back and tell him you don't want someone's range pickups.


New member
Never seen "new" like that. Even reloads shouldn't be chambered.
I'd ask for another, of they will give it to you, and not claim you did it.


New member
Well it was months ago, 10 to be exact....

They are all crimped, canalures and anealed.
Only a few have the dings... All have telltale markings of having been slid out of an AR mag.

I bought several boxes that day and the rest was legit..
I may assume that he got hosed as well... But I have no need to buy from him again.


New member
Ok, about a two minutes worth of research has confirmed my suspicion....

This is military surplus ammo from 1986 and '87 repackaged into a commercial Winchester .223 box....

Funny thing is, when I purchase ammo that's at a sporting goods store or Wally, I open the box and make sure nothing is missing. But I figured hey, gun shop, no need.


New member
Fire them, I have quite a few like that from when they were cycled through my AR that I shoot varmints with. When I'm done hunting and eject the round there is always a light marking from primer strike.


New member
I'm thinking so, the picture makes the dings look deeper than they are...
I didn't pay much for them... It was right before the gouging started


Several years ago I bought a whole ammo can of "reject" military range 5.56 ammo. Some was perfect except for handling marks, some had minor dents in the case, some had severe case dents. and some was totally buggered(loaded round jammed in the back of a case that had the base pulled off, bullet telescoped into case, dead primer, or case crushed beyond reuse).
Some one else may have found some of this ammo and fraudulently repacked the better looking end of it into commercial boxes and resold.


New member
You guys are all so picky. Ship em to me and I will make a video of me shootingthem. They are fine.

Yes, but a good gun shop wouldn't sell those without telling you they were used and a little dinged up.
