What do you think about magazine extensions?


I dislike 'em.

I've tried a +2 on a Glock 21, a 30-rd Glock 17 and a 10-rd 1911 single stack mag.

I like the magazine flush with the butt of the pistol. It feels all whompus otherwise and unnatural.

I also got lots of feed failures from the +2, even with an extra power spring installed.


New member
I've recently added a +2 mag to my nightstand Sig 220 / .45 bringing the total to 11 rounds. It's the factory combat mag and it always works without any issues. I would not holster or CC with it, but for additional firepower and home defense It works for me.


New member
It really depends on whether it is a subcompact or not. I know quite a few people who put grip extensions or even +2 base plates on their Glock 26/27s, but mine is the stock 10 rounder. I feel that it reduces the concealability since the grip is the what would stick out when carrying at the 3 o' clock position.


New member
I don't like them but a poster above this says he's used them for twenty years with no problem.

So,whatever you prefer,I would say.

For me,no.