What do you pack in your range bag?


New member
When you're getting ready to go to the range and you're happily packing your range bag, what do you take with you?

Extra gun?
How many extra magazines?
How much ammunition?
Shooting glasses?
Gun cleaning kit?

Too much stuff? Too little?

Opinions please. Thanks


chris in va

New member
In mine...

glasses (3 pair)
Shoot n See targets
earmuffs and plugs
spare mags
gun lube
thin gloves
paper plates

...and a few other odds n ends. No ammo, that goes in separate boxes.


New member
My range bag has much too much stuff to mention, however...

Who was the first person to come and look at a cow and say "I think I'll squeeze those dangly things here and drink whatever comes out?

Going back epochs ago... I think that that would be someone in my family.:D
+1 on your stuff with these items, too.

Ass'd towels, rags, and hand cleaner. Glass cleaner for safety glasses. I usually take all my rifle ammo due to load experiments. About 75% of my handgun for the same reason, but not all so that I have a little bit to have in case buddies want to go plinking between reloading (recovery:D ).

Strictly sticking to your thread, that's usually what's in my range bags. As far as other stuff...


New member
Depends on which range I go to....

Indoor range where I normally shoot pistols won't allow outside targets so I don't have to carry those. I pack:

Pistols/Shotguns/Rimfires I intend to shoot and at least 100-200 rounds per, sometimes more if I want to focus on a particular pistol.
Ear plugs
Bore light
Gerber Multitool
Cleaning rod

Outdoor public range at Uwharrie:

Guns I intend to shoot (Rifles/Shotguns/Pistols) and plenty of ammo.
Ear plugs
targets and target stand
Gerber tool
Cleaning rod
Rifle rest
Holster (for draw and shoot drills).

Phil Ca

New member
In addition to the usual firearms related stuff I carry the following.

Baby wipes or personal wipes in the smaller travel pouch for proper hand cleanup after shooting. You should not touch your face, especially around the eyes, with powder residue on your hands.

A small pack of facial tissues for blowing your nose to rid the nasal passage of inhaled residue insofar as possible.

Paper towels torn from the roll and placed in a plastic Ziplock bag for general protection of equipment from oil and lubbricant items.

You only have two eyes and they need to be protected at all times. Likewise the lings only come in pairs and try not to inhale the gun powder and smoke as much as possible.


New member
Stuff that's always in there...

Eye protection
Ear protection (both muffs and plugs)
Assorted paper targets (Bullseye, Sight-in, Benchrest etc)
Extra batteries
Shooting timer
Small notebook
Small level
Can of black spray paint
Mini medic kit w/ deactivated cell phone(i.e. 911 only)

plus I'll throw in what ever ammo I plan to shoot, and the gun to shoot it with if it will fit.


New member
Ear muffs, bore snakes, ear plugs (just in case), snap caps, shooting glasses. Then ammo and whatever guns I am shooting.


You guys bring the whole works with you.

I bring the guns, ammo, targets, mags, speed loader and hearing and eye protection.

I in no way plan on cleaning them at the range. I run a few hundred through each of them while there and sometimes don't clean them until I go again. I do run nothing but jacketed rounds though.

I could understand the bore snakes for bringing a rifle and you're going for all-out accuracy, but not with a handgun.

Indoor range where I normally shoot pistols won't allow outside targets so I don't have to carry those.
Insane! I wouldn't go there, that's just me though. I print off targets from http://www.reloadbench.com/pdf.html then go to Office Max and print off a few hundred for $.07 each.
Oh, you mean my range bags (plural)?

Bag 1 (big, rectangular canvas job w/ side pockets):
-Ammo for all firearms going on the day's excursion
-Extra Magazines for all Firearms to be Used (at least a dozen pre-loaded)
-Tape / Clips
-Ear Protection
-Eye Protection
-Allen Wrenches
-Various Screwdrivers
-Offhand Block
-Rail Sling-Mount Cylinder Thingy

Bag 2 (duffel):
-Spotting Scope Stand
-Heavy Leather Shooting Jacket (smallbore 3&4 position days only... usually)
-Shootin' Glove (if needed)
-Target Frame (if needed)
-Small Cleaning Kit w/ Bottle o' CLP (bagged to prevent potential spillage)
-Extra Ammo

Bag 3 (Hard-Sided Extra-Fat Briefcase)
-Spotting Scope
-Rangefinder (if needed)
-Wind Gauge / Chart (if needed)
-Shootin' Log Book
-Copies of Match Rules
-Front-Sight Inserts
-Anything Small / Delicate / Valuable Needed
-Several Extra Boxes of Ultra-Premium Ammo

Plus my cased rifles and pistols, of course. This is a rudimentary list, I'm sure I must have forgotten something.


New member
For me, a small duffle bag with some extra ammo and a cleaning kit and a few tools.

Eye protection, well they're always on my face. Hearing protection goes in the bag as well. I messed up my ears enough over the years, but that was mostly from playing in rock bands. I'm very careful to take care of what's left. Push-pins for targets. Other than that, not a whole lot else.


New member
Usual items consist of
Ear Muffs/Plugs
Shooting Glasses


New member
It's an indoor range so I don't bring much

2 pistols
100 to 150 rounds of FMJ target ammo for each pistol
20 rounds of JHP for each
Extra magazines for the 1911


New member
2 pistols (my Para .38 super and my PT1911) other guns I carry in seperate cases
2 sets of hearing and eye protection
Ammo bag (holds about 2,000 rounds)
Brass bag (holds about 1,000 cases of super)
Belt, holster, mag pouches, 6 mags for each gun, 2 inner belts
USPSA Rule book
Tool kit (screwdriver, asst. allen wrenches) spare extractors, firing pin, trigger, mag release, mainspring, sear spring, file, extra springs, shok-buffs, red loctite
Stapler, staples
Cleaning supplies
Spare batteries for timer and scope
Electronic timer
Target pasters
I know I'm forgetting something, but that's all I can think of right now.
Oh and usually my video camera

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Eye Glasses, Sun Glasses, Bore Snakes (several calibers), 4 oz bottle of
Break Free CLP, oily rag, Nikon digital camera (of course, in another bag),
paper targets, carpenters apron (to hold extra loaded magazines, or extra
loose ammo), 12 loaded extra* .45 ACP magazines, small screwdriver, ear
protection, bottled water, folding easy chair (to sit firearms on), multiple
firearms (including a .22 caliber Browning Buckmark, w/extra magazines)
Springfield XD .45 ACP w/ 5 loaded extra magazines.

*FootNote: 1911 style Wilson 47D's, one Chip McCormick 8-rounder, and
one Chip McCormick 10 rounder.

Guess that's why I'm do damn tired after toting all this too the firing line~!;)


New member
Only one poster mentioned the most important thing that should be in everyones' range bag, especially at an outdoor range or rural semi-wilderness area. You need to carry some first-aide supplies. What if someone in your group or another group is not being smart and there is an accidental shooting, or a KB, maybe just a slide pinch. Make sure you have something that can be used as a pressure dressing so you don't bleed to death, some antiseptic, band aides, eye drops. Doesn't need to be elaborate just the bare essentials.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Beside most things mentioned - a couple of power bars if I get the low blood sugar hunger blues and a small bottle of OJ for the same reason.

Helps me throw a long day.