What do you do in emergency confiscation

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New member
If some city or state agency orders gun consfication in the midst of a terrible disaster, what should a person do? If the demand to hand over weapons was, in your opinion clearly illegal, but also clearly unwinnable at the time your guns are demanded, should live to fight another day be the choice?

Give me Liberty or give me death would be a hard thing to live up to, at least for me. But our forefathers, in many instances, died living up to that standard. I would like to be of that caliber.

Also, is there any hope of a successful legal defense after things calm down, if you resisted illegal gun confiscation and one of the ones taking guns was hurt?

Do you foresee this as a realistically possible problem in the future or more of just survival talk?

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New member
Unfortunately, this depends on where you live. Some States have decided not to wait for an emergency to restrict or eliminate your ability to keep and bear (certain) arms.

It would be a hard choice. I live in a place where I believe the local authorities would refuse to confiscate even if ordered to do so. I know a lot of folks who would resist and others who would come to their aid. You would stand no chance all by yourself. It would have to be a collective effort by friends and neighbors.


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I look at the fairly recent scandal out in Seattle. Local officer ordered a Native American "wood carver" to lay down his knife. Native American didn't comply, Law Enforcement shot and killed him. They scape-goated the officer as having inadequate training. When the man with the badge and gun says lower your weapon, its a lot easier to sue his ass afterwards if you're alive to do it. Its hard to fund SAF and ILA as well as expand your collection if you're not alive to file suit.


New member
+1 JimDandy.
Also realize that albeit infrequently, there are criminal penalties that may befall an officer, often related to abridgment of constitutional rights. The state police in Texas are about to pay out big $$$$ to 2 women who were body cavity searched in public, with the same glove, all captured on the cruiser's video recorder. It is not clear the officer and her partner won't also face criminal charges, or will negotiate a much heftier settlement in return for dropping the criminal charges.
Conversely, if you're dead, you don't get to tell your side of the story...


New member
I think ssomeone who is known to have guns and says they "sold" theirs the week before would be wrong. I wouldn't think any good would come from treating armed men demanding something as fools.

The prudent thing, IMO, is to comply, but that seems cowardly if you think of our forefathers, like Patrick Henry.

I really don't know an answer to what a person should do.

Better get Search Warrants for 300+ million ready

I am not asking about national confiscation, but localized during an emergency.
When the emergency ends a person would have legal recourse, but people don't buy guns to not have them during an emergency.


New member
Hand them the guns you didn't sell when the prices skyrocketed, I guess.
Then, sue the living daylights out of anyone involved in that abomination.

Bonus points if you tag the people who signed the order AND the people who carried it out.


New member
It was said better to die on your feet than to live on your knees
does anyone know who said that ?


New member
I have lived a good and free life. I also pray for the good men and women that might be commanded to go get those guns. I will die a free man.
  1. We don't do conspiracy or TEOTWAKI threads here. This thread is close, and it will stumble over the line.
  2. There is no indication that confiscation is seriously proposed, much less imminent.
  3. Beyond that, there's not really a Law or Civil Rights question here.
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