What DID you do with the...


...handgun(s) you had one year ago but don't have now?

What was it, why did you get rid of it, and how badly do you want it back? If you do, that is.;)

Marko Kloos

New member
Oh man....the guns I got rid of in the course of the past year are way too numerous to list. Tried a lot, liked many, didn't care too much for others, much trading going on.

The most noteable one:

The 1911A1, made in 1945, Rock Island Arsenal-stamped Army issue, which I had to sell just before Christmas to cover an emergency plane ticket home (mom was in the hospital with cancer diagnosis...thankfully benign, as it turned out.) This was the last gun I sold outright, and the last business a certain gun shop in town ever did with me. They gave me $300 and re-sold it for $579. I don't mind contributing to the success of a gun store, but getting skinned like that will make me reconsider future purchase decisions.

Of all the guns I gave away, that one is the one I'd love to have back.


New member
Sold a Kel-Tec P11. It was a fine gun that I enjoyed. Bought it because it was inexpensive and dependable, and there was a lot of stuff on the KTOG site regarding maintenance, tinkering, etc. (fluff 'n buff). But it was my only 9mm, and I prefer the .40 S&W.

Replaced it with a Glock 27. Liked the Kel-Tec, sold it when I was done with it. No regrets.

Jake 98c/11b

New member
Lendringser, in my opinion that is about average. No mark up in new guns really, only guns they make money on are the used ones. Most shops where I am from tell you up front they will only give you 1/2 of what they will sell it for. Were you lead to believe something else, just curious.

Marko Kloos

New member
Were you lead to believe something else, just curious.

Yes, the gun shop guy said he could only give me $300 because he wouldn't be able to put a refinished 1911A1 out for much more than $350. I don't mind the markup (they have to eat just like everybody else), I just mind the dishonesty. They knew of my emergency and took financial advantage of it.


New member
Ruger Vaquero, stainless, .45 Colt. I kept it long enough to learn (a) I really like that caliber, and (b) single action revolvers aren't my cup of tea.

Gonna replace it with a Redhawk.

Jake 98c/11b

New member
Lendringser, that just aint right. I am with you, guys gotta eat but he doesent have to lie. If they tell me up front I can live with it but to lie loses customers.


New member
I don't even see how my dealer eats. I traded in a Marlin 30-30 towards a SW 686 he gave me $175 for the lever gun. I went back a week later just to BS and he had the thing marked $180.

This might be because I traded for something else but I would have guessed around $200. He didn't even leave room to haggle.


New member
Sold a Para Ord P14 that was going to be the basis of an IPSC gun. Never got into IPSC, and I have a Kimber and a Springfeild. So I sold it and bought an AR. No regrets. It wasn't a bad pistol, but I prefer the single stack.

I sold a Ruger Super RH 44 Mag with a 9 1/2 inch barrel. I sold it and bought a S&W Mountain Gun(pre-agreement). No regrets. The Mountain gun suits my needs better.

I would love to sell my Sigma .40, but not bad enough to give it away.



New member
Had a S&W 686 in 357 with a 2" barrel. Was out shooting some left over CCI Blazer ammo and one of the rounds blew out the side of the casing and scored the cylinder. Anyway, got rid of it for $300 then. Kinda wish I kept it and got it repaired. The wifey liked that one alot.


Moderator Emeritus
Had to sell a G23C and a G33. Replaced them with another G23C and G33.

Traded a Manurhin PPK towards an absolutely cherry Mauser HSc.

Had to sell my P7M8, skinned by the same shop that fileted lendringser on his 1911. Haven't bought a gun there since. (I don't mind a one- or two-hundred dollar profit on a gun at that price level, but don't try and give me $350 for a gun you put out to sell for $900+...:mad: )