What deal do you most regret?


New member
Most all of us have done some buying, selling and trading over the years in regards to handguns. Some of those decisions have been great while others have become lamentable and not even discussed in civil company.

The only sale that I really regret was getting rid of a Taurus PT92C. Nice little 9mm with a 12+1 capability. Why did I get rid of it? Well the country where I was residing forbade me as a foreigner to have any type of firearm so instead of getting thrown in jail and forgotten for 20 years I got rid of the thing.

What sales or trades do you most regret?

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!

Bob C

New member
In my impulsive youth, I traded a Sako FinnBear in .338 Mag with a aSako peep sight more or less even for a Thompson-Center Hawken. I ahd gotten a fantastic deal on the Sako, but any gains were lost on this trade. The relative blue book value now confirms my idiocy.


New member
I sold a 98%+ (it may have been unfired) Broomhandle Mauser with all matching numbers including the shoulder stock. Serial # was in the 25000 range, for $1200. A vet at Ft Sill had brought it back with him from WWII and it had been stored packed in grease in his attic for 35 years. He died I bought it from the estate. I couldn't find ammo for it and won't own a gun I can't shoot so I sold it to a collector in Claremore, Ok.


New member
I had a Steyr GB about 10 years ago and ended up selling it. Ended up buying something else I don't have now. I wish I had it back (it's selling for about 50% more now, than what I sold it for)
Very nice gun, accurate, soft shooting, 18rd magazine. Oh, well. Heavy sigh!!

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited July 13, 2000).]


New member
The White Sox trading away Sammy Sosa for George 'Taco' Bell back in '95...

Gee, I hate Jerry Reinsdorf (owns the White Sox and the Bulls).

As for guns, I traded in a Ruger P-Series on my Beretta. I wish I'd kept the Ruger and just waited a little longer to buy the Cougar...

Take the long way home...


New member
I once need cash for some motorcycle parts to enable another trip to Sturgis.

Sold a like new Colt New Frontier for $25 less than I paid for it. Didn't know at the time Colt had just discontinued the line.

What a knothead!!! Oh well....




New member

If it makes you feel any better ;) I know an older gentleman that has 22 German WWII guns. They are Lugers but several are Cavalry Officers Models. The holster is a wooden job which also serves as the shoulder stock. Some of them have the Nazi stamp on them and all are old. He took a trip to Brazil many years ago and picked them up. Don't ask me how he got them in the country.

When I asked him how much he wanted for one of them he just looked at me and said "you can't afford it". Probably right.

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


New member
The only handgun I regret getting rid of was an old 1930s-vintage Colt 1911A1 military-issue gun. It had been refinished so it had little collector's value but the damn thing just shot really nice. Only downside were the crappy military sights, but I wish I still had that gun.

Captain Bligh

New member
Right now it's buying a S & W Model 60 earlier this year.

I went to the range afterwork today and took the Model 60 and my Kimber. I put fifty three rounds through the S & W before it locked up tighter than a drum.

I liked this gun before today even though my shooting with it never allowed me to use the words "snubbie" and "group" in the same sentence. Now I'm fantasizing trading it for a small semi that I might be able to shoot a decent group with.


"Never turn your back on the crew."


New member
I regret buying my FEG P9. Trigger is just too horrible to make up for the gun's other redeeming traits. It was cheap and beautiful (I feel an ex-wife joke coming on.) After reading this thread, don't think I'll sell any other pistol, though.




New member
Colt .380 Govt Model. A present from my dad
for my 18th. Bought for $350.00, sold 10 yrs
later for $200.00. The person I sold it to said I could buy it back anytime, but they are in Texas, and I'm in NC


New member
About ten years ago I traded a Python for car repairs. It didn't seem like such a bad idea at the time. But in hindsight I could've found another way to get my car fixed and still kept the Python, which was as handsome a revolver as I've ever owned.

Jim V

New member
The deal I regret the most, (there are alot of them I regret) selling a pair of right and left handed Randall 1911A1's with a custom belt and holster rig and a supply of magazines for both psitols. Well, i did keep most of the right hand Randall magazines. I wonder what the going price on a left hand magazine is these days?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
I regret every trade I ever made except for when they involved getting rid of the Colt handguns I owned, lemons all.

Jeff, CA

Trading a 10/22 (bought when they were still cheap) for a closet queen I've fired maybe 20 times in 10 years.


Staff Alumnus
Sold a circa-1930s S&W N-frame last year. Beatiful piece, minor holster wear on the muzzle and front of the cylinder, trigger was smooth like whipped cream, adjustable sights...

for $400. Just kick me really hard. :(