What can you do with a 32 rimfire?

gary c coffey

New member
I have a friend that has offered to sell me an old Stevens "favorite" model 1915 at what I think is a very reasonable price. ( $175.00 ) It is marked "32 long" but he has told me that it is a 32 rimfire cartridge. I really don't need another wallhanger and seriously doubt that this is a collector gun. SO.... Is there a source for 32 rimfire ammo without selling the barn OR can a 32 rimfire be converted to 32 S&W center fire or 32 long centerfire. You guys have been a great help in the past and I appreciate your input.

Jim Watson

New member
I have read of them being converted to centerfire. You have to be very careful with the loads, this is not a strong action. The article I recall, the guy was after a smallbore black powder rifle anyhow.

Bill's idea is probably better, but you would be horrified by the cost unless you could do it all yourself.

gary c coffey

New member
Both good ideas. I may check to see what my GS would charge to reline to 22. In the meantime the posts made me curious. Would the 32 S&W cartridge be the same case diameter as the 32 long rimfire? Would the action withstand the presure of a 32 S&W cartridge? Do you think there is any potential that one of the foreign countries will produce 32 rimfire cartridges? Thanks all.

Jim Watson

New member
As I recall, .32 S&W and S&W Long are larger than .32 rimfire and would require rechambering. Then there would be the matter of bullet vs barrel diameter between outside lubed .32 rf and inside lubed .32 S&W. There were a few convertible .32 rimfire - centerfire rifles, Marlin made them, and the centerfire cartridge was .32 Long Colt.

Frank DeHaas said you could rechamber the .32 rf Favorite to .32 S&W "short" along with firing pin relocation and that was about the maximum.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The Stevens Favorite was a moderately priced rifle to begin with and most have had the heck beat out of them. There is some collector interest, but only if in practically new condition and, of course, any relining or rechambering or work on the breech block destroys the collector value regardless of condition.

.32 rimfire ammo can be obtained sometimes at gun shows and Navy Arms had a batch made sometime back, but it is catch-as-can.

FWIW, the .32 rimfire base diameter runs about .318 vs. .335 for the .32 S&W. The rimfire case diameter is the same as the old .32 Short and Long Colt which are a heckuva lot harder to get than the rimfire round.

The price is OK for an 80-90% gun; for any lesser condition, it is too high.



New member
On most, if you have the firing pin moved to centerfire, it works with .32short colt....32SW will need a rechambering as it's a larger diameter case (becasue the old .32SC is a helled bullet round and the .32SW is the more modern bullet-seated-in-the-case round).

Even that isn't 100%, but so far the .32SC cases have worked. Doesn't help a whole lot as .32SC isn't the most common round at a typical gun shop.

I have seen a talented lathe operator lathe a .22 barrel off center, making an off center liner...makes the firing pin line up with the smaller .22RF rim. Will need a new extractor, but the original can be welded up and re-cut.

Have to mention here that the old Favorite isn't the best rifle for wrm smokless loads...isn't a true falling black, is a "tipping" or "rocking block"...there isn't any metal behind that breech block, it just tips up and down. IF pushed too hard will either (1) stress crack the frame and the piviot pin (2) stress crack the breech at the pivot pin (so far, haven't seen both happen...but would guess it could).

gary c coffey

New member
Gentlemen: You have all been of great help and have my deepest gratitude. I have decided to let the favorite pass since the condition at best would be about 60%.I have come to the conclusion that any type of re-line, re-chamber would be significantly more than I would want to pay. I thank each of you for saving me what I am certain would have been a great headache and hard earned money lost. Many, many thanks.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Concerning nothing much, but do you folks know where the term "white elephant" comes from?

It seems that in old Siam, white elephants were sacred; they could not be harmed or made to work. So when the King wanted to destroy a "friend" he didn't like, he gave the guy a white elephant. The poor slob couldn't refuse the King's gift, couldn't sell the animal without earning the King's fury, couldn't kill the beast, and couldn't get any work out it. And he went broke trying to feed it.



Where can I get some information on these in English?

OK, found a translation. Next question. Where can I get the crimped type of .22 RF blanks that are required for this system. (In the US)
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New member
First, you should have made sure it is not a .32 long. I've never seen a .32 rimfire marked as .32 Long.

James K

Member In Memoriam
This is an old thread, but yes, guns chambered for the .32 Long Rimfire were marked ".32 Long." There were .32 Extra Short (for the squeezer type "palm pistols"), .32 Short, .32 Long (the size Navy Arms had made), .32 Long Rifle, and .32 Extra Long. The latter two, AFAIK, were used only in rifles. The .32 Short and .32 Long were used in both rifles and revolvers.



Thanks for the links.
Is there anyplace in the States that carry this system or would I have to order directly from France?
Also, do I have the prices correct? ~$190.00 (US) for the dies, 25 pieces of brass and 25 bullets? (including shipping) Then $65.00 (US) per 100 for bullets? The blanks seem to be around $5.00 per 100 here in the States.


New member
32 rimfire H&C reloadable cartridges

Hello Deadin,
Yes you have to order directly from France.

32RF dies: 95.00€
25 bullets: 13.50€
100 bullets: 34.00€
12 brass reloadable cases (32rf long or 32rf short): 24.00€

Shipping: 1kg: 21.00€
2kg: 28.00€ (you can see the pound of each item on our website)

1€ = 1.3192 USD

If you return us this mail, will have the pleasure to offer you the shipping cost.:) :)

If you pay by bank card, you'll save banking expenses.




New member
For what it's worth, Southern Ohio Guns (SOG) is currently advertising a new production run of 32 rimfire ammunition.
