What Can We Do Realistically?


Staff Alumnus
A Topic (Mandatory Registration for Gun Owners) was started in numerous forums by a member posing “under the assumption some commie pinko bedwetter gun control fanatic posted it”. I Locked the thread in The Art of the Rifle, moved it to this Forum, and had the other duplicates Deleted. When I e-mailed the Member explaining the reason he replied that he understood. He also stated…

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I think that the political forum does some disservice to these topics, as it is so depressing there (The only political issues are ones where are rights are being diminished, so what's new.), that most shooters stay away for the most part (as I do). [/quote]

And asked the following question…

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Other than joining the NRA and voting Republican, what can you do (realistically)?[/quote]

I fully understand what he is talking about in regard to this Forum. That is the same reason I stopped watching the Evening “News” over 10 years ago… it is not “News” just the same crap, different day, with different players. I, myself, do look over Legal & Political on a daily basis so I can keep abreast of what is currently happening throughout the Country relative to our 2nd Amendment Right.

In light of recent Legal (blackmail is now legal) and Political events his question is very much germane. I’ll start it off with my thoughts for those that want to jump in the ring for the fight…

First off – Research/take a course on Constitutional Law. Paying particular attention to the reasoning the Founders included The Bill of Rights. Read The Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers.

Second – Research HCI and the like to try and understand their reasoning (ya gots to know your enemy!)

Third – Write a letter, Write another letter, then Write some more. To local Paper’s OpEd Columns, Letters to the Editor, State Wide Papers, National Papers, Write your Local Political Officials, Write your State Officials, Write your Federal Representatives.

Forth – Participate in any and all Polls, Pro-Firearms Rallies, etc.

Now, finally my thoughts on the “Big Picture”. Out enemies have been using the oldest tricks of war. (Divide the Opposition (Assault Weapons Shooters v Sporting Clay Shooters), Get the “Masses” behind you by using propaganda (Soccer Moms, For the Children), and use any and all means to achieve you objective (can’t pass it through Legislation? Lets use Judicial means!)

IMO we, as Firearms Owners, should have adapted these tactics looooooong ago. I believe the reason we, and our organizations that represent us, haven’t is that we could lose all (which in my opinion would be the final call to arms with the second shot heard round the world to follow).

It is my belief that the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc should pool their might and resources. They should start bringing suits against existing laws (NFA, GCA, Brady) &/or political entities (LEO Chiefs/Mayors/Governors/Federal Officials) who have helped strip our 2nd Amendment Rights. (As Dr. King said “A Right Regulated is a Right Denied”) Class action suits should be brought in every Court of the Nation… starting from the bottom all the way to the top.
NRA/GOA/JPFO/Etc should also stage gatherings, marches and massive acts of Civil Disobedience. Imagine 2 million Armed people Marching on Washington DC (where all firearms are restricted except for protection of our Majesty and his Court).

There will be a cost for all this. Funds will be needed (contribute), time will have to be sacrificed (volunteer) not to mention some participants may even have legal action brought against them (the Organizations must come to their aid!) and yes, some my even be martyred (finincially or Freedom wise). Ultimately, IMO, the issue will be resolved one way or the other… we will regain our God given Right or they will cross the line and we will know further steps must be taken.

Didn’t mean to rant but rant mode is now off.

Soooo… the question has been posed… What can realistically be done?


GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Ed Brunner

New member
I totally agree, particularly about uniting ALL of us and our organizations. How do you suggest we accomplish this?

Better days to be,



Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I think that the political forum does some disservice to
these topics, as it is so depressing there (The only political
issues are ones where are rights are being diminished, so
what's new.), that most shooters stay away for the most
part (as I do). [/quote]

How's this?" I think that the hospital does some disservice to
the issue of health education, as it is so depressing there (The only health
issues are ones where people's lives are in danger, so
what's new.), that most people stay away for the most
part (as I do).
The above is based on a true incident...the guy almost died.

Or this?: "I think that schools do some disservice to
education, as it is so depressing there (They teach some things that are boring and have no application to the real world and we are forced to learn them (so
what's new.), that most kids want to stay away for the most
part (as I do).

Putting one's head in the sand is a sure method for success, no? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Ya know what we could do?

We could take the money that we would easily spend on a TFL T-shirt and fund an important part of the AIMM's march/rally in DC next month.
Sure i would like a TFL shirt, but we need to effect a change in the system not vainly promote ourselves.

(Don't worry i am not going to spam every thread with this point.)

We have to stop being concerned about "what is in it for me" and concentrate on the big picture.

The AIMM rally could be the ignition point of a sweeping re analysis by our country of the "gun control issue"

or maybe it will be 100 marginalized patriots with magic marker scrawled pickets.

Wanna see what that looks like? http://homes.acmecity.com/thematrix/one/40/rally/Rally.html

We need to believe we can make a difference.
We need to throw a strong shoulder to the wheel of change.
We need to take a risk and show up.
We need to want this enough to make a sacrifice of our personal time
We need to want it more than the otherside.
We need to try harder than the otherside.

Otherwise our children will get banned from school for wearing that precious TFL T-shirt.

-doc Zox


New member
Schmit, you left out one of the most important things we can do: find a candidate who's solidly pro-2nd and support him/her with time, money and legwork. The anti's can't pass their agenda if the majority is voting against it. Yes, the media is going to try to defeat us, so in the meantime we need to keep our line of defense while we try to change some minds.



New member
Dear Schmit;

In the past it has been tried to get the the various pro-gun orginazations
such as NRA, GOA, JPFO , SAF and COA
together by

http.//www. GOA-Texas.org

And ,unfortunatly, this did not work
out at all or even a little bit.

Each orginization had their own
ideas on how to protect the second ammendment
and did not wish to relinquish any of their ideas or funds or leadership to any other orginazation.

Kind of like getting the Jews and the Arabs to agree on any thing.

Certain name less organizations are similar to certain name less
charities in that they want a never ending
supply of contributions to further their
cause and pay the saleries of their board of directors and chief exicutive officers.

They do not want the desease which they are
crusading against cured, because that would mean an end to contributions and an end to their well paid jobs and to their name less organizations.

They only want to do enough work so that the contributors will think that their contributions are doing something and a continuation of the money keeps rolling in.

You can draw compairasons as you see fit, in
regards to this.

They wish to keep the issues alive and in massive controversy and contention so as to keep the funds comming in in the mail.

3.5 million times $25.oo =
87 million 500thousand dollars yearly paid to a nameless organization which charges it's
3.5 million members $25.oo yearly membership and puts out a nice monthly magazine to it's members.


Dear Nameless organization, get on the ball and do better, PLEASE!

We want our 87 million dollars yearly worth.

The 87 Million dollars yearly is an incorrect
figure because, as many menbers are fond of bragging; they are life time members, and do not pay so much in dues ,so
it might be only 50 million yearly.

The gun grabbers are right to describe this organization as a rich if not powerfull

If you are interested, you can read the articles on which I have based my opinion,
transcribed above, of this issue at http://www.GOA-Texas.org/

A name less org. is having an election this month, in which many entitled to vote recieved no ballot and the magazine susposedly containing the ballot never arrived.

Some may be allegedly trying to keep a certain Neal Knox and associates from being elected.
Then again, its just a coincidental foul up in the mailing coincidental with the election.Could happen anytime.


New member
Short Term: Speak out
Long Term: Get involved

Your Federal politicos really do read your letters. Hand written note is much more effective than e-mail or a pre-printed response card (they call it grassroots vs. Astro Turf). If there is a peaceful demonstration being organized in your area to protest tyranny, join in.

Take the time to dirty your hands with politics by joining your local party unit. Although it takes a long time, policy filters up from the grassroots. Be prepared for crooks and jerks in the local party unit to resent your participation in their party, but hang in there. State and local candidates value your time as much or more than a cash contribution (really). Keep you eye on the goal and do not be discouraged by minor losses. Woodman


Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ernest2:
Dear Schmit;

In the past it has been tried to get the the various pro-gun orginazations
such as NRA, GOA, JPFO , SAF and COA <snip>

And ,unfortunatly, this did not work
out at all or even a little bit.

Ok I agree. Which is why this has to be a grass roots endevor. Maybe a new orginization... something with a "trust fund" that puts like 80% of all membership fees towards the legal fights.

Members would pay a small annual fee ($10? hell... I'd pay $50 or more if I knew my funds were being USED correctly) 80% of which would be invested in the "trust". Members would also have to donate time/expertise (legal aid, ad space, accounting, etc).

The new organization would also need a strong well known spokesperson... Tom Selleck maybe?

Oh hell... I can dream can't I.


New member
Two quick tips:

1- You get 10 times more effect from (10) one page letters than (1) ten page letter. (Thanks to Fred of Fred's riflestocks)

2- Use the Second Amendment as your litmus test. We have already lost on most other issues from taxes to property to... go down the list of rights defined in the Bill of Rights. In my experience, politicians who are solidly pro gun are very solid on other issues of freedom. Rep Ron Paul and Sen Bob Smith are two rare examples of this.

Things are to the point where we all have to decide if we want to be FREE, or if we want to be "safe" and comfortable. Don't forget what Mr Franklin had to say on this matter.

Armatissimi y Liberissimi!
most armed is most free

[This message has been edited by STRIDER (edited April 10, 2000).]

B Shipley

New member
Burying one's head in the sand it may be, but it is so patently obvious that our (I do know the difference between these two synonyms, not taking my original quote as any example) rights are being taken away that it is of little value to show up here, except for the occasional update on local issues (e.g., Missouri's proposed "assault weapon" ban, and the Levin amendment to the bankruptcy law reorganization fraud of late).

I work in a hospital, and find that it would jeopardize my well being (at least mentally) if I actually had to deal with patients. So it goes here, where the negatives preponderate in excess of positives.

I do write letters to my Senators, and I do participate in polls (even engaging in "Chicago" style voting sometimes ;) ), but so what. My Sen.s are Republicans and I can have some influence w/ them.

My representative is a machine system democrat from an urban area that overlaps into my suburb. We had a ultraliberal black man who represented us for about a decade, yet no one I know (even dems) could figure out how this clown could be elected in a mainly white district that was a lot further right than his politics. It had to be apathy.

This was the whole point of my original post: get off your ass and vote, or end up with your worst nightmare.


New member
I hope that this doesn't seem off topic, but another form of action is to get people who are mildly anti-gun or fence sitters onto a range and see what guns, shooting and the 2nd Amendment really are. I know one TFL member who has had excellent results with people in getting them onto the range to shoot, as well as teaching them the importance of owning and knowing how to maintain and use weapons for the sake of defending themselves from all types of assailants. His results have been good by seeing new people from different 'walks of life' (pardon the cliche) that are learning from him and showing up at ranges with their own newly acquired firearms to practice.
I have to admit that I have not done such activities to increase the numbers of gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters, but I would like to know how to do so, because it seems that to keep more people fighting for their liberties will prevent politicians from drafting, proposing, and voting for that legislation that threatens those liberties.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Civil Disobediance.

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited April 11, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
Schmit ....

"Ok I agree. Which is why this has to be a grass roots endevor. Maybe a new orginization... something with a "trust fund" that puts like 80% of all membership fees towards the legal fights.

Members would pay a small annual fee ($10? hell... I'd pay $50 or more if I knew my funds were being USED correctly) 80% of which would be invested in the "trust". Members would also have to donate time/expertise (legal aid, ad space, accounting, etc)."

So let's go. We, the Tyranny Response Team, are starting something just along those lines. Totally grass roots = no budget (yet), no membership (you're in if you show up) ... we've been shakin' it up in Colorado & starting to get other charters in CA, PA, VA, etc. ... it's coming.

But, a founder member (one of us - us very few) does have a magazine, The Partisan, we got press credentials, etc. so there's the publication. The rest can come from participation. Publisher is Bob Glass (uzi1@frii.com) (303) 774-6539 ... tell 'im Al sent you.

The mag isn't some clap-trap piece either. Articles from Claire Wolfe, Vin Suprynowicz, David Kopel, Neil Smith, etc. .... very thought provoking and exactly what needs to be said.


New member
I second (actually about eighth, but who is counting) the idea of a pro-gun organization that responsibly uses the funds of members for its intended purpose.

I hate paying dues so Wayne can jet set around the contry in first class. Met the fellow a few years back after an event in Hawaii. Typical slick-haired politician, reminded me of the finer televangelists. I asked why they sent out so many &%#* 'give us money' letters. He told me that it was because they had a very (very) low number of returns. My idea was to send out one or two letters a year (the number I send money to anyway), and leave our mailboxes alone. He turned away, conversation over.




New member
I had a gentleman approach me at our local gun show this past weekend. He too is wondering how we can get all gun owners to join together. I think that everyone is in agreement that we'll lose this battle if we don't start presenting a united front.

Yes, even though I'm an NRA member, I do sense a 'big business' air when I see Wayne (or any of our other spokespersons) do an interview and don't care for it. It's quite clear that there is disagreement between many pro-gun organizations in re how to protect our rights, and I doubt the 'big boys' will reach consensus on anything. Maybe it's time to leave 'em behind.

I'm going to tell you what I told the guy at the gun show.....

The movement has to start from the grassroots.... you and me. We would be better off distancing ourselves from affiliation with ANY organization. Why not take a stand based on nothing more than being patriots and concerned, lawabiding American citizens?

Let's not just find pro-gun candidates... let's field pro-gun candidates. Let's encourage every last pro-gun, pro-Constitution person to vote. Let's become active in our communities and promote our ideas. Let's hit anti-gun businesses where it counts.... in the wallet. Even the media would rethink their position if ratings dropped dramatically.

We can make a difference but only if we work together. It's time to take action. Let the AIMM march be the impetus for the grassroots movement. Let's unite on Mother's Day in support of AIMM and continue adding to our ranks long after Mother's Day is past.

Our goal..... 80 million plus gun owners marching to the polls... and marching on DC and all major cities!


New member
MustangSally: "We would be better off distancing ourselves from affiliation with ANY organization."

There's a lot more going on in our legislatures and in congress than meets the eye. Voting is only half of it. If we didn't have people working in congress behind the scenes, we'd probably all be disarmed already.

I'm all for grassroots organizations, and new organizations, but let's not forget the most powerful organization.



New member
Maybe its not much, but I try to get new people interested in shooting. I'm always trying to invite people out to the range, and I've even gotten a few of them to go from fence sitting to being pro-gun. I figure that every person I get into shooting, thats one more voter, and one more pro-gun statistic.

About checking legal and political, I do it about once a week. I find that if I do that, I stay up to date, but I keep my blood pressure at normal levels.


New member
There's a lot more going on in our legislatures and in congress than meets the eye. Voting is only half of it. If we didn't have people working in congress behind the scenes, we'd probably all be disarmed already.

I'm all for grassroots organizations, and new organizations, but let's not forget the most powerful organization.

This is true.... which is why I joined the NRA. They are working on the problem behind the scenes, but their options are limited when... the wrong people keep getting voted into office.... and the majority of gun owners don't acknowledge that there's a problem.

Also, such pro-gun organizations have been demonized by the media and many politicians to the extent that even a percentage of pro-gun folks believe 'the press'. This is probably one of the reasons (besides complacency) that only a small percentage of gun owners belong to such groups.

Yes, I agree we need to continue supporting ALL pro-gun groups, but this is a stopgap measure. Ultimately, we need to get off our collective keisters and speak for ourselves. It is easy to dismiss 'the gun lobby'; it's a lot harder to dismiss 80 million plus unhappy voters!