What can cause a front sight to fall off


New member
My 1911's front sight slides slightly to the right after each shot, I've had the firearm for over 3 years. Is it the amount of rounds? Rapid firing causing it to melt?

James K

Member In Memoriam
It is a manufacturing problem; the number of rounds or rapid fire has nothing to do with it.


44 AMP

To be clear, are we talking about a metal or plastic sight?

For a metal one (and it should also work with plastic) the fix for a loose sight, (other than some kind of glue) you remove the sight and use a center punch on the bottom of the dovetail slot, raising a burr, which will make the sight fit the slot tighter when (Carefully) reinstalled. This method doesn't show.

Alternately you can stake the front sight in its dovetail from above. This definitely works, but does show. Bending the edge of the dovetail slot slightly also should work, but it needs be done carefully.


New member
There's an old gunsmith trick of center punching a couple of "dimples" in the base of the barrel sight cut. It raises a Small high spot and tightens up the sight when you re-install it?
Adding a bit of lock-tite don't hurt either! :D

*this came from my gunsmith cousin, gone this many years!:(


New member
Fair to assume that it's no longer under warranty.
You can buy a new sight and get a nice tight fit,you can cut a shallow recess in
the old sight's base,fill it and adjust the fit or you can try punching dimples in it.
But don't take a hammer to the slide.

Jim Watson

New member
Agree, work on the cheap part.
Punch marks on the bottom of the dovetail will tighten it up, but it might take more dings than you expect.


New member
Be glad its a dovetail and you still have the sight to deal with. :)

I lost more staked in 1911 front sights to the netherworld than I care to remember. Dovetails are one of the best things to happen to 1911's.

Ill throw in for the "dimpling" the dovetail too. That, and a drop or two of "blue" LocTite should solve the problem.