What can be built out of this gun (M48 Mauser)?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Recently, I wanted to improve my Mauser to include a peep sight. It took much damage while in the care of the gunsmith. At this point, my options seem to be

1. Re-build it to the original form

2. Re-build it to the intended form

3. Try to get it replaced by the smith (preferred...though I don't think he has any M48s in stock, only M48A and VZ24)

If I go with #2, would it be even possible to install peep sights which wouldn't block the clip guide? Would Williams sights be more compact? would they fit in the same receiver holes?)

In general, I am looking for suggestions of what that action and barrel can be used for, provided that the results would have either peep sights or scope and the original v-notch sight and still feed from clips. The overall cost has to be reasonable.


New member
What a mess. :( I'm pretty amazed at what a horrifically bad job they did.

No suggestions for you now, but (for the benefit of others who are reading . . . I'm not posting just to say "I told you so") this is why those Mojo peep sights I suggested are such a nice idea. You install them yourself, and they don't alter the gun. And they work just fine, given the limitations of a sporterized military rifle.

Frankly, I think you should just get the smith to pay you for the gun or replace it. Why cry over spilt milk at this point? It's not worth a ton, anyway, and M48s are a dime a dozen right now.

FWIW, I had Williams peep sights installed on my (already bubbaized when I bought it) Swede 94 way back before the Mojos were invented - I have no problems using my stripper clips. The smith did a good job, and the Williams sights were able to fit fine on the receiver bridge. Looking at your photos, I'd say your sights should have been able to fit properly, too.

I don't think drilling even more holes to re-seat the sight is the solution, though. Like I said, I'd punt and have the smith either pay the $150 or whatever the rifle cost me or have him replace it. Take his M48A - the only difference is the stamped trigger guard, as I recall. Switch your trigger guard out if that bothers you.

Bummer about the poor job gunsmithing. :(

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I just hope that the gunsmiths' recollection of the events doesn't differ much from mine. I don't want to antagonize them but I do want a fair settlement. The shop, btw, is called Custom Gunsmithing (755 Knox Rd. in Chapmansboro, TN) and they certainly have ample expertise to produce very good custom rifles. My impression is that the smith decided that my M48 didn't desrve much care for $15 drill & tap. When I asked for the removal of rear sight, he did not intend to charge me extra and so I got "free work" of predictable quality. I was perfectly willing to pay for their work (and have done so before). Just wondering about the best way to explain my dissatisfaction without too much finger pointing or getting them defensive.


New member
Antagonize them? Who cares? They screwed up! You're not going to be bringing them any more business.

I don't really see how the gunsmith's recollection of events would matter: they shouldn't have messed your gun up like that. It's nice that you want to be diplomatic, but what it comes down to is finger-pointing. They screwed up. However, there's no way they can claim that the result is something that you would have wanted . . . at least not with a straight face.

Just bring the gun in and hand it to the owner, and say, "This was in perfect condition before your guy drilled and tapped it. Look at what's wrong now." If he's an honest businessman and a real smith, he'll be shocked and he'll want to make it right. If he says, "You were only charged $15.00," then you should get pissed off (I know plenty of idiots who would wreck my gun for free and who don't hold themselves out to be professionals who won't wreck my gun) and decide what you want to do then.

I don't know. If this had been done to my gun, I'd be a little hot. If the owner was a jerk about it after I showed the problem to him, I'd be hotter still. I don't know if I'd be hot enough to sue if he didn't make it right (the value of the gun sure doesn't justify it, but I'm always willing to fight people who want to screw with me). If the owner treated me right, I'd let people know. If not, I'd let people know.


New member
Sorry 'bout the screw up on your Yugo 48. I have one in absolutely pristine cond. that I do not intend to change. Now to your problem.

If you want the "smith" to replace it, so be it-or maybe with a VZ24 as you mentioned. I have built a .270, a 25-06 and 2 .35 Whelens on VZ's and they turned out just great. (The VZ is a full length action where the 48's are a little shorter.)

One option for you might be as follows. Forget the receiver sight. Have the back sight/sleeve assembly removed entirely if it is not that way now. (I believe they are silver soldered on and can be removed with heat.) Ashley makes a sleve that is slippen on from the front to replace the back sight sleeve and is affixed with ample applications of bedding compound. Then a long eye releif scope is added. The barrel might be cut to 18" or so and you have a handy 'scout' rifle. (Stripper clip loading is thus preserved.) I have been contemplating one of those for myself.

Good luck with resolving your problem.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I want to preserve some iron sights. Once the gun is restored, what would be a good type of mount and a good low-power fixed magnification scope to add?


New member
Y'got me on a scope/mount. Those I made on VZ 24's were drilled and tapped for receiver scope mounts. That precludes the use of the iron sights and also the stripper clips.

Some use a B-square mount which, I think, mounts in the rear sight slot after it is removed (replaceable with no change to the firearm). A lot of folks say the above is not stable and will not retain zero however.

If the rear sight on yours is fixable, the holes in the receiver can be plugged and new ones drilled by a COMPETENT 'smith and a reciever mounted peep sight installed as it should have been done in the first place.

Chief Jones

New member

Which guy at Custom Gunsmithing did that? You can P.M. me with the answer if you want. I have had alot of work done there over the years.
