What brought on the FOPA of '86?


New member
In '89, the import ban was enacted because some guy shot up a day care/school with an AK-47 in Stockton, KA. Why did the 1986 Firearm Owner's Protection Act come into effect?

Just a curious MG freak.


New member
McClure and Volkmer sponsored a bill to reduce restrictions on the majority of gun owners. It removed the requirement to have an FFL to deal in ammunition and there was no more record keeping required for ammo purchases. It also permitted interstate sales of long guns in face to face transactions. It stated the govt position that permitted the owner of a firearm to carry it across state lines from a place where he could legally have it to another place where he could legally have it. I believe that it also permitted FFL holders to conduct transfers at a gun show whereas before they were required to only conduct transfers at the address that was on the license.

On the down side, suppressor internal parts, like wipes, became severely restricted and the manufacture of full auto firearms intended for the civilan market was banned.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited July 21, 2000).]


New member
What is interesting to note is that the ban on the manufacture of full autos for civilian sale was passed as a last minute amendment and no one really caught it. It wasn't until after the bill had been signed into law that it was realized what had happened. Supposedly Reagan didn't even know it was in there.


New member
Reagan knew it was there, but he waited 2 weeks to sign it. The law did not become effective until 5/19/86. This allowed almost 250,000 additional full auto firearms to have the paperwork filed within the two weeks. That is about the same number of full auto's that were registered between 1934 and 1986 effectively doubling the number of legal full auto firearms in private hands.