What are you doing to make your next hunting season successful?


New member
I know it's summer time and for many folks that means vacations, weekends at the lake, throwing back some cold ones after throwing steaks on the grill, etc. For me, hunting is perpetually on my mind. Mainly because of the challenge involved in shooting a dynamic target under changing environmental conditions. About the only hunting I do anymore is calling coyotes. What I've found is the farther away I park, the more success I have. Coyotes are sharp enough the way it is without tipping them off to my whereabouts by leaving a vehicle in view. Here in central KS, finding a hidey-hole for my truck generally requires I walk at least half a mile to my hide. Last winter in the snow, I realized that my cardiovascular exercise regimen left something to be desired. I guess drinking beer on the couch isn't the path to physical success. So, in preparation for this upcoming calling season, I've been more alert to my physical fitness. Since the beginning of April, I've dropped almost twenty pounds and I have increased my stamina considerably. I haven't done anything dramatic. Just tweaked my diet a little and put in a little effort on the cardio side.
Also, I purchased a ruger 77/22 this past february or so because it is set up identically to my 223 which is my primary coyote-getter. In an effort to step up my shooting ability, I have been sending a lot of rounds out of that 22 lr. I haven't kept count other than how many bulk packs I've emptied and looks like I'm closing in on 1500 rounds out of her.
All in all, I'm really looking forward to the coming varmint season. So what are you guys up to this off-season to help make the next season better?


New member
Building a single-speed mountain bike with panniers heavy enough to bring out 2 quarters at a time.
The project keeps me focused. The built/test cycles keep me on the mt bike making repeated rides trying new equipment and testing.


Staff In Memoriam
I am doin' everything possible to get a new 930 Mossberg in time to break it in and get good with it. Other than that... I am just waiting for season to open and temps to drop off.



New member
Last year's Elk hunt was a rough one for me. I hadn't realized how out of shape I had gotten, and we were in some really nasty terrain. So, I've been riding my mountain bike a bit more, and using hand tools in place of certain power tools (axe instead of chainsaw; shovel instead of tiller; grass shears instead of weed eater; etc). Some of the hand tool substitutions don't do much for cardio, but it still helps fight against future muscle fatigue in the hands/arms.

Other than that, I just try to keep reminding myself what my goals are for this year's hunt, and I take the rifles out every chance I get. ...I should really spend some time with my .44 Mag SBH, though, if I'm going to be packing it this year.


New member
Shooting as much as I can. I have a new 300WSM that I need to get some rounds thru, and I am really looking forward to that!


New member
shooting & TESTING loads using hogs as ballistic jell,put out game cams to check on numbers of deer,Also been knocken down some song dogs with different rifles so lf I need to change up I know whats going on with each one.


New member
Hoping that our newest hog fanatic club member makes a dent in the population. Other than that, been yanking dolphin, wahoo, sea bass, and grouper out of the ocean with the occassional shark and amberjack to contend with. Oh and making another oil co exec even more wealthy, dern boats don't get very good mileage. Shooting on Sundays too.


New member
Im trying to find a pistol that can kill an ape at 600 yards.

I've got one and I'm thinking of selling it because I don't have any place that I need to shoot 600 yds.

Dr. A

New member
I'm busy planning what I'm going to plant in my food plots. I'll be switching over my CRP to "feeding stations". There will be a plot of two on the smaller side that will enable good bow hunting.


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I joined a gym and go there at 5:15 am, alternating cardio and strength training 5-6 days a week for at least an hour. I’m shooting as much as possible, but not as much as I would like. Lastly fantasizing about the pronghorn buck I saw a few weeks ago. I need to figure out which rifle I’m hunting deer and elk with this year, it’s a toss up between the .300 H&H or .338-06, or .358 Winchester.


Staff In Memoriam
Oh yes I forgot...

Due to excessive gas prices, I put up a tripod corn slinger in my front yard. Opening day, I will slide the window up at the head of my bed and slip the barrel out and poke me a buck if one is over the corn pile.

Gotta get 'em before the dogs are let out as they don't like them critters on their turf.

*DISCLAIMER... It is legal in Fla. to shoot over bait if it has been in continuous availability more than 6 months...



New member
Building taller stands in hopes the deer learn how to swim.

Spring is time for food plots, spraying weeds and making the habitat better here than over there :)

Many fields are under water here, deer are on the roads at all times. Turkeys are on high ground. Time to go fishing...


New member
Many fields are under water here,

I'll trade you some of our drought for your rain. I went scouting Saturday and was walking across the creek bottoms without even getting mud on my boots.


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I'm planning my Wyoming antelope trip. Once I get closer to the date, I'll put my new Nikon Monarch on my 7mm and the rest will take care of itself.


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Put up 2 more blinds on 500yrds. of power lines,1 50' treeaminium on 400yrds. of clear cut and 1 on 3 main hog trails.;):D


New member
I'll trade you some of our drought for your rain.

Um this is a huge flood, havent had this since 52. Interstates are closed due to water many folks have no homes. I have some livestock on my place from folks had no place to take em.

www,kfab.com has some pics and vids of this.

Animals are coming out of everywhere displaced by the flood so I imagine I will juat open a window and blast em. Have had deer bed down next to my kitchen door past few nites.

River is miles wide now, used to take me 15 min to get to work, now over an hour due to closed roads.