What about this idea


New member
Im not sure if one exists already but had an idea. I could not get this started just thought i would ask pros and cons.......

A 24hr indoor gun range. But, it would be vurtually unmaned. All access would be electronic for members only. Probably just one counter person there to be there for emergencies but all door access would be through keycards and range would have superior surv. eq. So in the night if u got a urge, you go to the range, swipe ur card and code to enter, sign in at counter to single counter person and also have guest pass, then pick ur lane.


New member
They have 24 hour gyms why not a 24 hour range? Probably won't happen due to insurance liability, local ordinances, ect. Don't know if the demand is high enough. Maybe in a big city. Maybe I'll get some investors together and buy up an old warehouse and set one up. There are lots of gun owners here but most of them aren't legal so I may have trouble getting members.


New member
If there was a 24-hour range here in ATL and the membership was around $300/year or less, I would definitely join. My problem with most ranges is that they're so crowded during the "convenient" hours. Usually, the hours are similar to work hours, which means everyone tries to go after work (about 5pm) and the place is packed until closing (typically about 7pm). Otherwise, you have to go on one of the two busiest days of the week: Saturday or Sunday. Since my schedule is flexible, I can shoot around 11am on a weekday and often have the range to myself, but most people don't have that luxury. In fact, if I had my preference, I'd probably prefer to shoot around this time of night (11pm). ;) So yeah, someone should definitely look in to opening one up, if for no other reason than to reduce overcrowding.



New member
I work second shift so the range is mine. I have to fight off those pesky LEOs every once and a while.(jk) I havent(and am reluctant to) gone to the range on the weekend yet.