What about these elections?

David Scott

New member
If you try the ballot box, nothing changes because you can not hope to elect anyone who is not a cog in the same corrupt machine.

If you try the jury box, you have no hope unless you can afford better lawyers than the political money machine. Lotsa luck.

If you try the cartridge box, you'd better have the majority behind you or all you'll get is dead.

The only place to start is the soap box. These political whores and gangsters get away with it because the average citizens are fat, dumb and happy as long as they have their SUV, cable TV and a slab of baby back ribs. NOTHING will change until the inert mass of citizens is shaken out of its complacency.


New member
David is exactly right.

The real answer is to get the people to wake up and engage in the process. Anything less is just more noise and hand waving.

In particular, the moment the cartridge box is opened, the Constitution is finished. Whatever comes out the other side of a revolution, it won't even remotely resemble what our Founding Fathers gave us...



I agree with what's been said. But here's one non-violent action everyone can take that will stop the abuse in its tracks: STOP SENDING THEM MONEY!

Right now our govt. is like a drug addict. The high is power and control. The drug that feeds it is money in the form of our tax dollars. If you have a friend or relative who is an alcoholic, it is irresponsible, even criminal, to give them a gift certificate to the local liquor store. Yet that's what we do when we continue to send them more money.

All this dysfunctional, controlling behavior is a byproduct of the addiction. And the corruption will get worse. Now, I'm not saying the action is without risk. Every "intervention" is met with an angry response, from the addict. You might lose your big screen TV, or even your freedom. But then again, every cause worth fighting for throughout history has been risky.

Think about it. If enough people who are damn sick and tired of this crap just stopped paying, and said, "knock yourself out" when the IRS sent them a Christmas card, first the courts would fill up, then the jails, and meanwhile the flow of drugs ($$$) would stop. I cannot think of a more effective, non-violent action that would turn things around.