What about a Stetchkin semiauto?


New member
I see a lot of threads about Makarov pistols but don't ever see anything about the Stechkin pistols that the Eastern Bloc also used. Do any of you fellows have Stechkin pistols? I see that they (or some of them) could be shot in full auto mode, but don't know if that was a certain model or if they all were that way - which I doubt. Who has them? Do you like them? Do I want one? Can I afford one? Educate me.


New member
I thought they were all full auto and that's why we don't see many (any?) here, but I know next to nothing about them to be honest.

There would have been a market here in the US for a new run of SEMI AUTO ONLY Stechkins, would the Russians have seen fit to produce them. Maybe they could be brought in now as sporting arms, but I doubt it. Present regs seem to have excluded Russian pistols of any kind recently. Radom of Poland ran a small run of post war P35 pistols, and they sold quickly, and have tremendous collectors value. Semi Stechkins would do the same.


New member
If it were made in Russia, I would love to have one. They are historic and handsome pistols and I enjoy shooting the 9x18 round.