What a screw up dummie!!!!!


New member
I screwed up big time this week! went to the range Tuesday and had a bad round that failed to fire in my FAL but the primmer put the bullett about 2" up in the bore. NO! I didn't fire anoter round thank you, but I went home and tried to get it out with a hard wood dowl, it broke and jammed in the bore , so now I have a bullet and a dowl in my bore.
Went to my friend who is a gunsmith and he shook his head and said we needed to get the pin out befor we could get the bullet out.
Well i found a long drill bit that was smaller than the dowl pin and centered it and drilled it with a brace by hand so I could feel if I was getting the bore. Went as far as it wuld go and had to make a drill bit that was longer than the bore out of some drill rod. Then i took some drill rod !/4" and finally drove the bullett out, wouldn,t you know it now thw rod is stuck in the bore.
Well at this point I throw it in a trash bag and put it up for awhile, counted it as a loss and ordered a kit to fix the rifle.
Today, after a two day rest and calming down went back to the gun and drove the rod out the way it went in, still there was something ringing the bore. Worked a cleaning rod through it and cleaned and cleaned at last it came out , it was the outside of the dowll that I had drilled through the middle. Well was almost afrid to look at the bore figured I had really screwed up, but surprise look as good as new,.
Now this was a hard way to get a kit but I really didn't do it on purpose. Now I am going to have to get a reciever for my kit.


New member
Bad Day at Black Rock, eh Freightman?

Things happen. You probably needed that kit later.

Up side - it works.


James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, Freightman,

Not trying to embarass anyone, but "had a bad round" sounds like the politician's "mistakes were made".

Was the "bad round" in milsurp ammo, commercial ammo, bought reloads or your own reloads? If I am right in guessing the last, there are a couple of lessons to be learned here.



New member
Gun break. Have multiple copies and work on transitions.

Congrats, that was a cheap lesson in learning the Rule of Multiple Guns.:)


New member
It was some 1979 L2A2 Ammo that comes on the links. This was close to all I have all the other was great. The powder was still in the case it was hard and caked together and was a funny yellow green color.


New member
We've all been there. I was almost in tears the first time I had a bolt lock up on an FAL and I couldn't get it working. (bolt got bound when feeding a Portugese, bullet stuck in chamber, bolt wouldn't retract... basically a big mess) I ended up walking away from the gun for about 15 minutes before coming back to work on it. Ended up lubing the heck out of everything and it finally worked loose.