What a reasonable turn-around time for gun repair?


New member
Ok, question about response time to repair a handgun. I bought a NIB Taurus Tracker 455 (but discontinued) on GunAmerica from a dealer. The first time on the range it failed to fully cock on many of the cylinders. So I called Taurus and shipped it back to them. Today, a week and a day after they received it, I called to inquire as to the completion of the repair. I was told at least 4 weeks. I mean, geez, it was brand new so I would expect better service than this 4 week crap... yea, yea, I know the stories regarding Taurus but this was a gun that I wanted to add to my collection for several reasons, 1) liked the looks of the tracker 2) wanted a 45acp in a revolver 3) wanted to own at least one Taurus to check ‘em out, though it might get lonely at this rate.

Two questions, is that a reasonable time to repair a new in the box gun, or any gun for that matter, and secondly, what has been the experience the members have had with other manufacturers?
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New member
Just recently i sent back to Ruger a customer's Mk III that he had damaged during disassembly, and didn't get it back for 3 1/2 weeks....probably would have been longer except for the fact that i phone bit them regularly.....:mad:


New member
Taurus has the worst customer service. I own 4, like their Firearms but service is horrendous. While shooting my 44 the sight pin came out and I lost the front sight in gravel. I called for a new one and they took my credit card info. I was charged for it on my card but the sight never arrived. Then after 2 calls and 3 letter of complaint one finally came 8 months later!! How hard is it to get a front site to a person. When it came the pin was with it but the sight was not drilled for a pin.


New member
that really depends on the manufacturer, smith and wesson is by far in my experience the best of the best. my HK has never needed work but i called their CS once to ask a question and nobody called me back, i called again, same deal. Kimber, so far has been pretty good.

The Real Wyatt

New member
I guess everyone's experience is different

I've had two occasions to contact Taurus customer service, both times for something stupid that I did and both times during this calendar year, 2006.

I lost a grip screw on a revolver 'cause I failed to tighten it. 'Twas almost funny when immediately after I pulled the trigger the gun jumped completely out of its grip, turned a 720 in the air and landed muzzle first in the dirt and there I was with a puzzled look on my face still holding the grip in my hand. I couldn't find the grip screw ... ever. I even went home and came back with a metal detector and still had no luck.

I called taurus to order a new grip screw. The lady I talked with said "No problem, we'll send you another one." They sent it overnight, free of charge. I had my grip screw the very next day.

Another time I was shoting some hot loads, waay too hot, in my 44-ten. I figured the five shot cylinder could stand up to some fairly hot loadings. Well it can, but not as hot as I was shooting that day. In an effort to eject a cylinder full of VERY tight cases, I managed to bend the ejector rod. Did I mention they were TIGHT?

I called Taurus and explained exactly what had happened, fully expecting to pay for the error of my ways. They advised me to send the revolver to Miami and they'd fix it under the lifetime warranty. Four weeks later I had my 44-ten back complete with a new ejector mechanism AND a new crane. My only cost for MY negligence was the one-way shipping to Miami.


New member
Last year I had my Bersa .380 in for warranty repair to replace the slide and repair the trigger linkage. A grand total of 9 days elapsed from the time I dropped it off at FedEx (an exercise in pulling teeth) and it arrived repaired at my doorstep.

It all depends on who you are dealing with and whether they have the parts on hand.


Wow, I was real close to buying a Taurus but you guys have changed my mind. Sounds like you need a lifetime warranty if their going to break all the time. And then you send them in and get poor service?? Thanks guys, I've scratched Taurus off my list of guns i want.


New member
I just wanted to relate my experience with Ruger; called this afternoon to request a part for my mark 1. Granted, it is a small part in terms of $, but it is necessary for proper function of the firearm...anyway, it is being sent to me free of charge. Going out tomorrow morning, according to the good folks at ruger. Kudos to Ruger!:)


New member
When I sent my taurus pt-22 back for repairs it took about 6 and a half weeks to get it back. That was for a broken firing pin. It came back with a note not to use reloads. I have yet to meet anyone who reloads 22lr.
Anyways, it has not worked quite right since it got back.

I don't think based on this I will be buying anything else from taurus.



New member
I hope my 85 never breaks, I have heard all kinds of horror stories about warranty repair. hpg


New member
"is that a reasonable time to repair a new in the box gun"

I don't know. Is it hunting or fishing season? Has the gunsmith gone to some tournament or show somewhere to represent the company for a week? Is school out and everybody is on vacation? Do they have a lot of guns that have been returned this month? Does your gun need to be replaced instead of repaired and they have to wait for the next run of that model?

IOW, I still don't know. It takes what it takes.

I do know that if everybody calls them they won't get half as much work done as if they were left alone. At least that's the way it is where I work.



New member
Long story short, I had to send a Walther P22 into S&W at request of the CA DOJ because of the threaded barrel it legally came with; then the DOJ changed its mind and said to remove it. (About 5,000 people in CA had to partake in the recall.

S&W sent me a 1st class FED EX AIR box (free), I shipped it to them, they had it for a day or two, and send it back to me by overnight air. I looked up the shipping estimates on that and it was around $50 for each way. That's service right there!


New member
What a reasonable turn-around time for gun repair?
Turn around time can vary as it would depend on the time of year, what needs to be repaired, and the availability of the needed parts. Repairmen goes on vacation like everyone else and this is the vacation season. A simple part replacement could take a few minutes if the parts bin is not at the end of the batch and waiting for the next batch to be finished. Also the replacement could require refinishing which adds to the repair time. A few weeks is not an unreasonable time period to expect from a large company.


New member
I sent a gun back to S&W just last week, think I took it over on wednesday or thursday, UPS tried to get it back to me today but I wasn't home, so I'll get it tomorrow when I am home.

1 week and it's back, including shipping and repair.

Not bad in my mind.


New member
From personal experience,Browning was the worst and Colt came very close to a tie with them.
Browning damaged my Hipower and did not fix the original problem correctly. The first time in took over 6+ weeks. When I called and questioned the status after 3 weeks,they couldn't find the gun. Later they found it in the box I shipped it in. I asked how much longer,the party on the phone said, "call back in about 4 weeks,it only takes us about 4 weeks to repair a gun" Now doesn't 4+3=7? Which is just about what it took,close to 7 weeks.However when I got it back,the problem is not gone,but now something new,scratches on the slide.
It went back 3 more times due to the same problem. Two of the times it was sent to Browning Headquarters here in Utah because I didn't trust the place in Missouri Browning ended up buying it back.
I don't recommend sending anything to the Arnold Missouri repair facility. (if it is still open)
Colt damaged my Cobra by scratching the gun around the trigger. I decided I wouldn't waste my time with such p.p service and rude people.

Due to the above two problems, I have decided to stay away from all Browning and Colt firearms.

Smith & Wesson is fantastic. Sometimes a 1 week turnaround.
Ruger,well never had to send one back, so no opinion.


New member
8 weeks is "reasonable"

Unless one thinks waiting in line at the McDonalds takes too long.......

I'd wait 4 months if it gets fixed right.
Kahr=Pohr Service

I have always been a sucker for the Thompson SMG, so I got one of the new ones. It had failures to feed with every type of ammo I could scrounge up so I sent it back.
A month later I got it back and it had the same problems, so I sent it back again.
A few months later I got it back and it had the same problems so I sent it back again.
This was 6 months ago. The manager of the gunshop where I bought it had received numerous promises of a new gun, but months went by with no new gun in sight.
Kahr tried to deny that they had promised me a new gun on several occasions, but when the gunshop guy threatened to cease payments for other business activities to Kahr untill it showed up they suddenly became all ears to his complaints and once again promised a new gun.

That was a month ago... I still have no thompson.


New member
Update: Ten days after they received my gun, I got a letter stating they were in possession of the "merchandise" and it would be 3-4 weeks to repair and return. It still makes me mad that a NIB gun must be sent back, at my expense, to repair......................ck