What a great weekend!!!


New member
Enough talking about the sniper. I took my 5 yr old boy and my 2 nephews who are each 8 yrs old camping last weekend. We had a blast. We went on private property so there was no one else around. Neither of my nephews have been around guns growing up. I have taken my brothers in law out shooting before but they don't own any guns. I brought a .22 rifle and a .22 revolver on our camping trip as well as a small starter compound bow. I gave the kids about a 1 hour safety class. They can all recite the 4 rules now from memory. I showed them how the guns and ammo worked. We took a few rounds of different caliber shells and took them apart to see what they were made of. It was great to watch how closely they paid attention. Taking every word to heart. We went through most of a brick of .22s that weekend. The kids also spent a lot of time shooting the bow and play secret agent in the woods. I brought a couple of cheap sets of binoculars and 2 walkie talkies. We saw a few deer in the morning and I took them on a hike to show them a huge sycamore tree that had several Great Blue Heron nests in it. There was a full moon out this weekend and the night was clear. While we were sitting around the campfire the coyotes were really making a racket! I have a large tent that has interior walls so you can make individual rooms. During the day, the boys each wanted their own room. By the time the coyote concert was over, they decided we needed to make on large room ;). It was a really great weekend that I hope they remember for a long time. We are planning on making it an annual event.


New member
Stories like this make me smile.

Last weekend i was able to make it back home me and two of my closest freinds went out driving around on the dirt roads cause I missed seeing stars and then it turned out it was a full moon but it was still the best weekend I have had in a month.


New member
Now that it has been a couple of days I have heard from the kid's Moms. The kids are still telling stories about the trip. My sister said my nephew wanted to take 2 or 3 shell casings to case to show the kids how they worked. She told him that it probably wasn't a good idea. He said " But Mom, they can't hurt anybody. They have already been fired. There is no gun powder left" She told him that not everybody would care and that he might get into trouble. Oh well, at least he paid attention to how the ammo works :)


New member
Amen!! Well done, Sir!!

I have a very good friend who has two boys, 5 and 4... He is not terribly into guns, but has fond memories of the times he was taken shooting when he was young, and of the times I have brought him to the range with me.. (He loves my Kimber) We both look forward to the day (coming soon) that we introduce his boys to the fun and responsibility of shooting..

Again, DOT, well done!! And thank you...
