What a difference 24 hours makes!


New member
Last night I was talking to a fellow gun nut (errrrr... shooting enthusiast) and he informed me that he was finished buying guns.

"I have all the guns I really need," he said. "I'm very happy with my purchases; I've got a good balance of calibers and some good guns. I don't need anything else. I'm done buying guns for a good long time."

So this afternoon I bumped into him again. He told me that he tossed and turned all night after he had a "really great!" dream about owning and shooting a .50 AE.

He said he simply couldn't get back to sleep after he woke up and realized with disappointment that it was only a dream. That he has to go out and buy himself "just one more gun."

But I'm sure he can quit any time he wants to ... :D


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein


New member

Quitting is definitely not a problem. For instance, I lasted several months between gun purchases earlier this year, and had no trouble denying myself at all.

Of course, it's also true that the local gun shop didn't have anything I was interested in during that period .... ;)


New member
Ah, a true gun-nut -- brings a proud tear to my eye.

Betcha he ends up getting himself another Glock too.



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tstr:
Betcha he ends up getting himself another Glock too.[/quote]

You could be right. My buddy said his next gun would be a Desert Eagle, and that would complete his collection.

But a few minutes later he added, "You know, come to think of it, I might want another Glock, too ..."

Frankly, I think there's no hope for this man. :D


"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense." -- Steve Landesberg


New member

arent we all?

but remeber its ok on this board we are all here as a group helping each other buy more stuff. ;) HAHAHA


New member
Just one more then I will quit doc. I mighta said that fifty years ago. I lied.

Sam...gettin old is a lot of fun, bein there leaves much to be desired.


New member
I show up at each month's IDPA match and the question is automatically asked "Whacha got new THIS month Bubba?" A couple of months ago a newbie asked about all the laughter that followed that question. Someone answered "Bubba has taken that one gun a month thing to heart." Someone else countered "one a month? Bubba is a charter member of the One Gun a WEEK club!"

They can laugh all they want. I can stop any time I want. I just don't want. :D RUSS!!! We need to talk about that Les Baer Stinger.... ;)

Now if they would just stop this "GQ Joe" moniker that have hung on me.......



New member
My wife laughed at me the other day for saying something like that. She was there when I told a friend of mine, "I think I'm about done buying guns for a while, now I want to get into reloding, and buy some accesories for the ones I alread have."

She laughed and laughed and laughed. And told me that she first heard me say that 3 guns ago. :) "And didn't you want to get a jogging gun?"

"Well thats probably going to be a Makarov or a Keltec, and they don't cost much." I say in a meager defense.

Wife: "And weren't you going to try and get me a Tikka for Christmas?"

Correia: "Uh, that doesn't count thats for you."

Wife: "And weren't you looking at one of those old Mausers?"

Correia: "Well, they are a great deal."

Wife: "And haven't you talked about needing another home defense shotgun?"

Correia: "Well I don't have a semi-auto shotgun either."

This went on for about twenty minutes while she named off all of the other kinds of guns that I have planned on purchasing at one time or another. :D Shes pretty darn cool.


New member
I keep telling myself that I have everything that I want. Most major calibers and makes, that is my rule. And then I run across something new or I have to have it or else. And the last two guns I bought were Glocks, which now makes it four.


New member
I do ok until I see one that causes some kind of "hot flash", you know the kind you get when the x-ray tech is using that dye for kidney shots.
When I get one of those type of hot flashes its a case of buy or die.
By the way the wife tried to pen me down on how many guns I owned the other day. Boy was that a close call, I hemmed and hawwed until she lost interest. ;)


New member
That's why they make wife-proof toy boxes.

Some call them "gun safes".

What goes into that dark interior simply blends in with the rest of the mysterious woods, metals, glasses, and polymers.

"How many guns?"

"Honey, guns are like the tools in my tool box..."


"I will never be able to understand the process of child birth, and you will never be able to understand my gun safe. God made us different for a reason. You believe in God, don't you? We were married in the church, after all. Do we have any of those big pretzels? I am starving. Your hair looks great today. Did you get it cut?"

[This message has been edited by MountainGun44 (edited October 24, 2000).]


New member
Someone asking you how many guns you own is like asking a woman how old she is. Quite rude, if you ask me.


New member
yeah i know i don't have all the guns i want and now im getting into rifles which is worse cuz i haven't finished scratching that handgun itch........if thats even possible


New member
Admit it pax,

YOU were the one tossing, turning, and dreaming about the .50 AE, because you are that gun nut who has a "problem." :D

I know the way your "friend" feels though!

I have about three more guns to get before my collection is "complete:. LOL :D :D

(at least until income tax returns come in!)


New member
You guys make me envious. For the past several years I've had to sell a gun in order to buy another, so my "collection" has remained constant. But I've made sacrifices this year, so when the $$ comes, I've decided to buy another. But what should I buy? Been thinking about a TC contender since I helped on the last silhouette shoot. Hmmm.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.


New member
"just one more gun."

I say that every time I walk out of a gun shop/show with a firestick in my hands.

- Ron V.


New member
If money were no object, my gun 'room' would look like that scene from the Matrix where Neo says "we need guns.......lots of guns"


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Admit it pax,
YOU were the one tossing, turning, and dreaming about the .50 AE, because you are that gun nut who has a "problem." :D

No! No! It wasn't me, honest!! This is a real person I was telling you about ... really!

I, myself, would never claim that my gun collection is complete -- that's how you can tell us apart. ;)

Btw, my friend was reading this thread over my shoulder and commented, "Boy, I can see why support groups are so popular. I just feel so relieved! This sounds so refreshing, I can really relate to all this. I've gotta join a support group."

I told him TFL is the best gun-nut support group on the web.


"Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure." -- Ambrose Bierce