What 2nd job pays decent $?

simonov jr

New member
Hey, you guys are always a big help with everything ELSE, thought maybe I'd get some good suggestions. I have a good prospect developing in the 9-5 timeslot, but need to make extra cash till it starts to pay. What the hell can a guy do to make half-decent $ after/between these hours? ...Any suggestions?


New member
The only part-type or 2nd-3rd shift jobs that pay any money generally suck.

-UPS or Fedex
-pouring drinks

Unless you're skilled in CAD or circuit board design. If you are, and have a powerful 'puter, you could start your very own drawing/layout house.

Although, in HS i used to make many 100's of $$$s per week delivering pizza Wed-Sat 1800 to 0100. But this is murder on your car and your appreciation of your fellow man. Can be life threatening too.


A few years ago, I worked at UPS. I started at $9.50 an hour and worked M-F, 3AM - 8AM. Might be what you need but it is fast paced hard work.


Staff Alumnus
Web site development

There are never a shortage of customers.

or... you can be a bum in New York and collect $500 a day :rolleyes:

I have no idea what your education background or job skills are ... so it's hard to recommend an occupation based upon wanting good pay.