Whacha think? Would it sell?


Staff Alumnus
*note - this is for humor purposes. I have no intention of ever getting into publishing and yes, I'm a 1911 nut :)

Probably not because I'd be too truthful on gun reviews lol


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New member
Uh oh! You have been bitten by the publishing bug, it's been going around lately. I think there's a cream or something you can get to help make the itch go away, but I think the disease is incurable...ask Rich, he knows more about it. ;)

- Gabe

PS: And yes, I think it would sell...if well done, of course. Or you can substitute flashy pictures, advertising and bare-chested women for 'well done' and get the same result.


IMHO, there is a limited market for a magazine that specializes in only one type of handgun, although there is a market. It would sell, but I don't think it would do as good as one that specialized in autopistols in general or handguns alltogether. However, if the magazine looked at an odd/different 1911 every month (or two), you might have a good concept. I know I'd buy an issue if it had a Coonan 357 Magnum on the cover. ;)


Staff Alumnus
Well, that's what people said when we opened www.1911forum.com

Now, a little over a year later, there's already 3500+ members. You'd be surprised at how many 1911 owners are floating about.

In addition, it could always be expanded to include reviews of other makes and models but mainly concentrate on the do's and don'ts with 1911's.

Jim V

New member
It would be nice, and sell, if the authors of the various articles were honest in their reviews. "Well, no one wants to read about lemons." I do, if the people making the damn lemons want me to spend my money. They will have to respond to the lemon charge or lose business.

As to the 1911 Forum, it grew so fast that a new server had to be found in the first couple of months of existance. There are a lot of 1911 shooters/fans out there.

As a side point, how well does the "Glock" magazine sell?

Rainbow Six

New member
As a side point, how well does the "Glock" magazine sell?

Ummm, for which model, and high cap or neutered? :D

Seriously, I have yet to pay for Glock Magazine. I usually run across them for free at one shop or another. :)



New member
I think it a great idea! One more thing that could be added is a Pistolsmith Conner. Since the 1911 is the most customized gun that would be well received. Browning Hi-Power could be another corner too since it is a 1911 off shoot (I know it’s a stretch). :)

AC's & 45's

New member
I would seriously consider subscribing.
You'd have to promise to be 100% subjective and honest in the reviews. For every page of ads there should be at least "min" 6 full pages of 1911 related atticles.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Do enough of the "How I invaded the terrorist camp and wiped out 35,000 bad guys with my Sooper Dooper Zilch Co. 1911 with Dooper Sooper Yetch Co. hollow solid expanding ball bearing point ammo" and sure it will sell. There are idiots born every minute who believe that sort of garbage.

Plus you get all the junk you can "evaluate" as long as you lie a lot.
